Thursday, January 20, 2022

First let me say Hello to all my readers! Also, a Happy New Year to all! I know that it's been a long time posting anything on my Blog. I even forgot my Password to sign So, anybody that is still with me over the years, Qing and I are closing in on 14 years married now! A lot has happened over that time not here, like our Son is already 20 years old. Plus he just last year became a Marine and we are so proud of him. He's learning to be a Helicopter Tech. and we think that is great for him in the future when he get's out after 6 years. Qing is working as a Care Giver now and I'm retired for 5 years now. Just working to keep up our beatiful yard and if you believe, I just painted our House and all with a 3inch Had plenty of time and it put on the paint thicker than with a spray gun. Last year Qing gave me a 2017 Ram Truck (6.4l Hemi) with only 27.000 miles on it. Had to pick it up in Albuquerque and drove it back home from there. All I can say, Qing really spoils me like no other. So, otherwise we are doing good...for the condition California is in with those A**holes in Calif. and the White House!