Being married to a wonderful Lady and happy as a can be, it somewhat does bother me what's going on in our society/culture as a whole.
Of course other People can marry who they want, it does not effect my Life style in any way. It does concern me though, where are we heading as Human Beings? We've seen already that our younger Generation lost most if not all "Respect" to one another in so many fields, now this Gay culture being blown out more and more. Where will it end? Do we next Vote for rights to marry a Animal (Sheep.. ect.)? How about having two/three Husbands/Wifes as a Marriage, what would be wrong with that? Why is that not legal also? Well, you see where this could go. I'm sure there are many that "Love" these last mentioned... so isn't their Love equal to others. People holding up signs saying...
" Love is all equal-so let it be free".
On the other hand, why am I worried what's going to happen in 30-40 or 50 years from now anyway?
My Life goes on no matter what, the way I see fit... so again... what other's do... do it as "you" please. It's your piece of the World.
Of course other People can marry who they want, it does not effect my Life style in any way. It does concern me though, where are we heading as Human Beings? We've seen already that our younger Generation lost most if not all "Respect" to one another in so many fields, now this Gay culture being blown out more and more. Where will it end? Do we next Vote for rights to marry a Animal (Sheep.. ect.)? How about having two/three Husbands/Wifes as a Marriage, what would be wrong with that? Why is that not legal also? Well, you see where this could go. I'm sure there are many that "Love" these last mentioned... so isn't their Love equal to others. People holding up signs saying...
" Love is all equal-so let it be free".
On the other hand, why am I worried what's going to happen in 30-40 or 50 years from now anyway?
My Life goes on no matter what, the way I see fit... so again... what other's do... do it as "you" please. It's your piece of the World.