Monday, January 14, 2019

Dreams, what are they exactly?

As the Title suggests, I will be talking about your everyday nightly dreams while asleep. You may agree, that some are normal from everyday living...but other's are scary at times that wake you up shacking or even screaming.

I like to talk about the one I had last night.

On Sunday's, Qing usually work over night and I sleep by myself. All seemed normal, until I awoke sometime around 5 am. I went to the Restroom and back to bed to get another couple hours of sleep, til Qing came home.

I had no trouble falling back sound asleep and that is when a average dream was anything but average. I was dreaming that my Toyota Truck with 624,000 miles on it, needed some work. I remember I was in a shop at that time, but wasn't working on my own Truck this time. Which was strange itself, hence I am (was-retired) Mechanic by Trade. Looking at my Truck being worked on, the Shop phone started to ring. I was close to it while it rang, but don't really know why I answered it instead the shop owner? I said "Hello"... this is were it got strange. On the other line was my "Mom" (that had passed away not to long ago)! I recognized her voice perfectly, like she was standing right next to me. To make it even more starnge, she say's "It's me and I'm alive"!

I awoke at that moment; it came to me right away, how is this possible?  It was somewhat worrying! Most likely you have heard that when People are near Death, often see or get a visit from a passed relative to comfort them. 

Not that I'm in bad health or anything, but after I told Qing... she agreed with my very thought! My Mom didn't had time or that was all she wanted to say, as I awoke startled just hearing her voice.

So, what do I make of this? Do I now have to be more aware of everything around me, or just take good or better care of myself? Is my Truck being worked on has some hidden meaning, like It was in an Accident? Don't know either, but makes you think...doesn't it? 

It was nice hearing my Mom's voice though, maybe it was just to let me know..she's fine and in Heaven I certainly hope so!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

What am I doing?

First of all, I like to wish everybody reading my Blog a "Happy New Year" to you all!

I did wanted to write about this for a while now, but never got to it until today.
As I am now retired and Qing is working 40-60 hours a week, I am given the Cooking Job more and more. Not that I don't want it, it's not about having to do it...I want to do it. People that know me well, know that Cooking is/was not my forte. 
Anyhow, over the last years I must say...I've become quite a Cook (not quite a Chef yet) that I am not ashamed to say. always done Breakfast with no problem, but Dinner is a little more challenging. Here today I have taken a few photo's what Qing can expect to be served with Scalloped Potatoes-Califlower steamed- Spinach salad and "Cajon Honey" stuffed shrimp.

Ps: stuffing includes Emeril's "BAM"-New Orleans Cajon Seasoning-Honey-Lemon Juice-mixure of Cream Cheese...Honey...Califlower...Parmeson Cheese and topped of with Cheddar Cheese.  
 I'm ignoring this sign from now on!