Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A year that moved quite fast , but came to a wonderful ending !

I'm sorry , this Blog has not been as active as usually . As I spend much time with my Sweetheart as possible and I still have the Mod Job at our Forum to think about too .

As this is the sixth week my Sweetheart ( Wife ) is now with me here in America and doing very well adopting to the new surrounding's , which I know are not easy for her . I'm of course are doing my best , to make Qing as comfortable as I can possibly do ... under circumstance's that we are now faced with each and every day .

She has so far , celebrated two Thanksgiving Dinner's , met pretty much all of my In-law's already . Now we are concentrating on her learning to Drive and signing her up for a English Class early next year , which by the way ... she is looking so much forward to . I guess , she know's that this will open the door to meet many of her own kind ( chinese ) and make some new Friend's here . It also gives her an opportunity to be out of the House at least a couple of day's a week .

Now , it's slowly off to meet my Step-children and Grand-children from my late Wife's side of the Family . That will not cause no problem , because I will make sure there will be no negative comment concerning her or myself for that matter .
I will not tolerate anything that would upset my Sweetheart in any way .

So , as I wish everybody following my Blog a safe , healthy and happy New Year .


  1. Happy New Year Arnold and Qing. It has been my honor to get to know you this past year. I wish you both a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

  2. Thank you very much Martin , like-wise for myself .
    I do hope Zhifang will be with you ASAP in the coming year . With Chong also getting lucky , table 10 should be doubled up for a wonderful Dumpling Fest . Wish I could be there , no matter how cold it is .

  3. Arnold, maybe just plan a visit in the summer when it isn't so cold "up Nord"... maybe they can expand table 10 to hold 6 people!!! :D And Happy New Year!!!!
