Saturday, April 2, 2011

Another " First " for the Month of April .

This year seems also to be on the fast track , as it is April already . Now I know I have written about many of Qing's firsts , but this one is different . It belongs to myself this time . As you know , with the rising Gasoline Prices and all that is effected by it becomes more expensive . So to counter that , I had done something .. that is really a true "First " for me . The last couple of Month's , Qing and I have looked into .. me going to Work by Train . Ohhh .. even though this sounds not unusual , it is the first time I get on any Public transportation .. other then an Airplane . This only is true of course here in the States , as I have ridden Public Trans. many time back in the old Country . So here I convinced myself to try it , as the times .. leaving and going back home are pretty much the same .. as by Car . Am I excited ? Yes of course , I will get off only about two Blocks from my Work .. about a two minute walk from the Station . I have to change my Working hours a little on both ends , but overall .. I leave and arrive home about the same time as before . Now , does this really save me a Bunch of " Green " ? Not really , I have figured out it will do my little Truck more good then me . It will safe some 500 miles a Week , just going to work . I save between $ 60 - $ 70 a Month . Not much , but if you look at it on a yearly bases .. it pays for the Insurance on both Cars easily . It's something and my poor Car gets a rest and that in itself saves " Green " too . Tell you what though , the Train is sooo much more expensive here compared to China . Just last month , we checked the Prices for a Monthly Pass and it was $ 248 then .. now it was $ 275 already . I know , these Trains are not Electric and run on Diesel still and on can expect the Prices to go up as the Gasoline goes up . The difference though , is quite large comparing it with Shanghai .. where you can just about ride across the City for 4 yuan (rmb) . That is .. $ 0.65 , where you Pay $ 10.50 One-way from my Work to Palmdale alone , without a Monthly Pass . Here they are talking about a " Fast Train " from LA to Frisco .. ? I most likely will not see that day it is completed ( if ever ) and what are going to Charge for it One-way ? Looking at the Cost to build it , it should be in the neighborhood of about $ 150 - $ 200 each way .. at the Rate of other Train Ticket's . This is really convenient , as Flying is cheaper and faster . It does not make any sense to me , to even start this . This might work in China/Japan , but here in America .. No Way ! Besides , who is going to watch over all that Track and make sure it is 100% safe for the Rider's ( Passenger ) from those Idiot's ( Terrorist's ) that like America so much . Just the Talk of this , properly has got them interested already .. how to .. ? I feel , this is something they should have started about 30-40 years ago , not just now . All they do is follow other and they are way ahead of that Game . Anyhow , I will take the " Slow " Train ( 1hr. 15 min. for a 35 mile ride ) next Week and will see for myself .. how far we here are behind ? I really don't want to sound like I'm putting down my new Home-Country , but I don't think I'm too far off what I feel/said about the Railroad . Either way , I like to hear feedback on this Issue .. agree or disagree .


  1. Arnold, the prices are not that bad. I checked a railroad trip (60 km ~ 35 miles) here in Denmark. Sit down please! A one way trip is 24.50$ (yes, US$). And the trains are late, maybe 5% of the time. Going by car is not cheaper, too. The fuel price is approx. 9.15$ pr gallon.

    Your comparison to the prices in China does not work the way you put it. My wife tells me many times that China is so cheap. Yes, it is if we look at it and compare it to the prices in our countries. But on the other hand, how much does the average usual chinese factoryworker earn every month? Maybe 8% of what a danish factoryworker earns. In this case, you have to figure out how much your price is, compared the price in China. If we take your comparison 0.65$ versus 10.50$ and lets anticipate that the chinese earn 8% of what we earn.

    The math: 10.50 * 0.08 = 0.84.

    A comparable ticket would cost you 0.84$ if prices the salaries would be the same in both countries, wouldn't it?

    Well, you asked for the feedback. That's my opinion in this case. And as you hopefully know, it is nothing personal.

    Thanks for your interesting blog Arnold!

    My best wishes to you and TTT.

  2. Thanks Hajo , this is exactly what I have anticipated and wanted .. People giving their Opinion .
    Now , I have compared .. looking at Shanghai's Railway system . It of course was build ( mostly German Tech. )with much cheaper Labor , then the western systems and are Electric which is at an lower Cost to operate .. therefore cheaper to use . Back to Shanghai , the 22 Mil. living within the City limit .. 12 Mil. are Outsider's ( not from SH )and from the rest 10 Mil. a large part of them make equal or even more than us western Folks . So going by what one earns , is not really a factor what the Train Prices should be .
    So what really is/has control of that ? Oil prices on the World Market is now $105+ a Barrel , now is this not for all Countries the same ? Otherwise it would be a American Market only .. right . What makes Europe's Gasoline so much higher then ? What makes Diesel that is easier and cheaper to produce , more expensive than Premium Gas ?
    What is also strange , that People .. it seems to me are dealing with $9+ a Gal. easier than our counterpart here with $4+ ? This picture shows me , driving more which we Americans are on Top . Isn't it , more demend for anything raises the Price and not the other way around ? I really don't know , how there isn't more of a uproar against $9 prices ? Which of course is used to raise all other common Items we daily live with .

  3. Hi again Arnold. Yes, you might be right. Prices can maybe not be compared by the income of the population. For the high prices of fuel in Denmark. That is because of the high taxes, the government has put on it. It's not only on fuel, we also pay 25% VAT. On the opposite we do get something in return. Free medical care, free school and university, a good social system and so on. But I think it is just a matter of time, when people do not want to pay so much taxes no more. But that would be another discussion ;-)

  4. Now that is what's different .. we get nothing back . Taxes for Gas/Car Reg . is suppose go towards Roads/Road-repair here . I tell you , our Roads are in very sad shape .. but on the other hand .. this is good for the Mechanic . So good for the Economy in a way , but where is that Tax/Fee money going .. who knows . I'm sure we could go on forever .. but it will not help .
