Sunday, April 10, 2011

Breakfast at Tiffany's or was it Way Station ?

This Weekend , I had promised to take my LaoPo on " The Train " that I take to work and have Breakfast in the Santa Clarita Valley . That was suppose to be on Saturday , but being out celebrating our Neighbor's B-day .. it was not over with till after 2:00 am on Saturday Morning . There was just no way , we would get out of Bed at 07:00 am to get ready and have this Breakfast round-trip by Train . Plan was to do it now today ( Sun.) and we did . Train left at 09:23 am on time and we were going to have four stops including our destination Station . So it turns out , my LaoPo mentions two things right away . Why are the Trains build so high ? Second , is this all the Speed this Train is going to go ? First explanation .. they build them to high to go fast ! That's very true , I must agree . Also , our Trains do not go on a very straight Track for too long .. especially through Mountainous area's . As for Europe , a Mountain in the way .. it receives a Tunnel through it and not a Track around it . There goes your Speed . Then , came what I believed already .. that these ( Train System's ) are taking us back to the 60's . As Qing remembers when she was a Child , the Shanghai Rail was like this . Same goes for myself in Germany . Of course the US is now trying/thinking of catching up , but if you ask me .. it's too late . By the time fast Trains run here on new Tracks , that are NOT shared with Freight Trains or any other for that matter .. Japan-Europe and China will most likely only use Medlev's for distance Transportations .. Just think , the Japanese are way ahead in that game and China is being helped/supplied by Germany .. while the US is pretty much on their own in this regard . I'm not trying to put down the US , this is how I feel and what I see happening . Arriving 65 minutes ( 30 miles ) later , it was time to FILL our Tanks with some great Breakfast Food from my Favourite Coffee Shop ( Way Station ) in Newhall . On the way back , Qing actually felt sorry for me .. having to take the Train each Work-Day . I can live with it though , do I really have a choice .. with Gas Prices going ^^^ ?


  1. I often wonder why we do not have high speed rail in Canada either. I would think that more people would take the train, if it went faster.

  2. Even it was going to happen , one would think .. the US/CAN. would never be able to equal the Chinese Prices for using them . To think $115 got me from Shanghai to Beijing ( first class ) and that is some 1200 miles . Here a $115 would maybe get me to Frisco in Econo Class ( 390 miles ).

    Low price : Many Riders / worth it in the long run
    High price : Half Empty / not worth the Money to build it
