Being married to a Chinese Wife , has brought this up in my Mind many times . What do I do about the two different Religions we have .
Before I get into it too much , I must realize .. that we are both not the practicing kind . We do have each our strong believe in our own Upbringing . As of late , I find myself only going to an None-Denominational Church . Qing has gone to a Temple to pray many times for Family Members and before we actually met .. even prayed for a good Husband . Well , she now definitely believes .. that wish came true . I myself , have prayed after I lost my first Wife .. for the Lord to give me strength to go on in Life . I'm blessed much more than that , as my Blog is proof of that .
Anyway , I will let this difference between us NOT get in our way at anytime .. now or later . I'm not the Type to push my Religion onto anybody and I expect the same in return . People that think , they better because they live and breathe a certain Believe .. well let them think just that . I don't care ! It still comes down to one thing , are you a GOOD Person to other's or NOT .
I do spend time to tell my LaoPo about the Bible and my understanding of it , but thats it . I'm not here to change her Mind and tell Her .. you better off with my Religion . Do I really know that for sure . After all , I'm not the Judge of that or where anybody is going for living their style of Life .
So , I build my LaoPo her Shelf on our Patio . You know what ? I love it just as much as Qing does and I'm proud of it .. having done it .
Now , as some Friends have suggested/ask .. what about Qing's Son when he get's here ? Another thing I have been thinking over a lot .. now that his paperwork is in the Process . Mmmmh .. this is not an easy one , him being only Ten . I need to find out what he knows/learned this far .. growing up in Shanghai and just take it from there . It is after all for us to decide , as he is not old enough to make up his own Mind just yet . Then again , Chinese are smart People ( even Children ) .. he might have make up his Mind already ? We'll see , but Qing and I are living as a Married Couple should and with Love and Respect .. Honesty to a point .. where Jealousy is not ever going to sneak up on either one of us .
Beautiful shelf! Maybe your wife should read that teaches not only about Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, but how they relate to Christianity. She may learn a lot from it.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks Nik ! Qing said she will definitely check it out on her days off from Work . I also will do the same . I know you have very extended knowledge on these subject's . Thanks again .
ReplyDeleteAs Chinese,I have to say the shelf is really beautiful~~
ReplyDeletecheap karen millen
G.E. ( no not that one ! ), I thank you very much . I do pride myself in "GOOD" work with "MY" name on it .
ReplyDeleteNice carpentry SiFu. Was that design from a plan or did you buy it from a store ??
ReplyDeleteChong , yes it was from a Plan .. my own ! I just look at where it will go and I figure out how to put it there . It turned out nicer then I thought it would . We do have two Bowls for Insense now , so it's all done .