Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Here it comes... the "6" and the "0"!

First, I like to thank everyone for remembering and wishing me to have a wonderful day.. from my close Family to Friends from around the World.

Even having to be working today, does not mean.. I'm not having a great day. Despite this little hang-up, I am enjoying my Day just fine.

The fact of becoming sixty (60) years old, doesn't stop me from anything that I have been doing in my fifties. Life goes on just the same, except I don't let it make me feel older.. if I can help it!

One reason (won't have to look far) is of course my LaoPo at home. She makes me feel no older, then her own age and I gladly take that in stride any day.. especially on my Birthday.

So, thanking all that cared enough to wish me a wonderful day.. I must thank my Sweetheart the most. As she makes it possible for me to have a good/happy outlook on Life or any other situation that gets thrown my way.

Happy Day? You bet!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Am I done writing Poem's?

The reason I say/question that, is because with my last one for Valentine's Day.. I did not get one (1) response.. bad or good.
This makes me feel somewhat like it wasn't any good (even though Qing loved it) to even mention/comment on it.
Maybe, I've lost the touch or they just start to sound too simple/silly.. who knows? As long as Qing likes them, it really doesn't make that much difference.. I was only curious.

Like my Book, to see if it has any potential of being good or even great.. I've given it ( first three Chapters) to a Teacher to read. So I receive some outsider's view on it and not just from Family or Friends. Can't wait for her "Report" in two weeks time, that's what I gave her.. to take her time and come back with the "Truth"& "Honest" opinion.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Poem for tomorrow...

Tomorrow being Valentine's Day, I have again felt the need to come up with a (hopefully) somewhat nice Poem for my LaoPo. It is the sixth Valentine we are able to spend together as a Couple. So, I've spend a whole ten (10) minutes on it... wishing it looks like days spend on it though.

Happiness .. Times six (6) !

As times flies by

with warmth in the Air

a special Person.. Oh so close

to see.. just open my Eye.

Before me standing so tall

might be of no surprise

the most wonderful Person

right in front of my Eyes.

As today is Valentine

a Lover thinks of his Spouse

thanking her.. Oh so much

one more year is ahead

being able to call you “Mine”!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mmmh.. Monday on Tuesday's?

Everybody, I'm sure runs into day's/morning's like this ones in a while?
As it has been kind of cold the past week or so, this morning's leaving the house to go to work... was a little different I'd say. Almost to the point, having to return back home.
What happened, that caused to be alarmed?
Morning's (weekdays) are pretty much routine to say the least. Get into the Car and "Go".
Haha... I was ready to go, but my Car obviously was "Not".

For some reason, it did "Not" want to shift out of first gear (automatic). Now mind you, my little Truck has now 548,000+ miles on it (same Engine), but the Transmission is my third. The first lasted about 300,000 miles, the second made it to close to 520,000... also not to bad for being "Used" Transmissions. This third one, I feel now somewhat un-easy. Anyway, here I was (running late because of it), what will I do next?

Before deciding to take it back home, I ran it around the Neighborhood for a while... to see if it will "Wake up"? As a Mechanic, I know it is a shift-valve sticking. If it's because of the cold, I could understand for it "Not" wanting to go and take a day off. Five minutes of cruising through the Neighborhood, it finally decided... "Okay"... let's go!

Back to my Title; therefore I ask this question, don't those things suppose happen only on "Monday's" and not later in the Week?

I guess, now it owes me one? I'll stay home... if "It" is ready to go!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Chinese New Year coming...

This new year, will be the year of the "SNAKE"!

Why is this special from the other eleven ones? Well first, because I am a Snake! Being born in the year 1953 makes me "Slither" through Life I assume. This is not where it ends though. Hence I have met Qing and her Family, I also found out... that the year of the Snake is even more special.

How you might ask?

Okay, you now know I am born in the year of the Snake, but I am not alone anymore. Qing's only Brother (Ming) just by coincidence/chance happens to be a Snake also. Born in 1965, which is of course a Snake year... as it repeats every twelve (12) years. It even goes beyond just us two, even Qing's Son (Tianchi) is a Snake too. He's born in 2001, that qualifies him to be Snake number three in my new Family circle.

What would have been really shocking, if my LaoPo was one too. Unfortunately, she's a "Monkey" born 1968. Now don't assume she climbs Tree's! Actually... she just the opposite, real down to Earth kind of Person. Where we as Snakes slither along the ground more and when the need arises... we "Do" climb Tree's too. The good thing that comes out of all this, is... that both the Snake and Monkey are very compatible and that is whats really counts.