Friday, November 15, 2013

"Trouble is lurking near and far"!

Having seen all kinds of trouble

couples reading each-other less

before they join in a celebration

leaving much to ones imagination.

Building a marriage on such little time

only to find later in a short while

things are not rosy or primed

drifting apart fast and with no chime.

Here Qing and I often wonder

being together not that much longer

why then is our love blessed and free

just the way we want it to be.

Living absolutely with no trouble

daily life passes oh so loving

working together as a mature couple

moment for moment- day by day

enjoying marriage what else can I say.

So where's the lurking trouble

not that both of us really care

can't let it be part in our lives

seeing no reason really to dare

where others go in quite despair.    

As I see some of my Friends go through some rough times with their Marriage (for one reason or another), I felt that I must write a Poem regarding this subject.

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