Who would believe that it has been exactly three years today , that my late Wife seen her Cancer Surgeon first the first time . At St. John's Medical Center in Santa Monica . It is a day very well inprinted in my Mind . As we took our Tape recorder with us , to see what she had to say , about her condition and what lies ahead . This is the only thing a have now , with my late Wife's voice on it . Hence we have no Video's only Photo's .
My Uncle has many , but I rather NOT . Just remembering that's all .
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Something in the back of my Mind , lately .
Of course the Economy is the very first worry , how will it go , where will it go ?
As I see many of my close Friends struggle to hang on to their Home and some that lost it already . Most of the Time , due to loosing their Job of many years . Yes , some with beautiful Homes and a Family , grandchildren and the next thing they living in their Car .
It doesn't seem to matter , what Position ... Job title ... how long one was working for somebody , some big Company ... you wake up and realize , this is a day , that you never wanted to see . It's bad enough , to see Children without Parent's ( not because they don't have any ) , but to see Parent's with a Wife and Children out of work and nowhere to go . I really can not put myself into their Shoe's , because ... I can not imagine this ever happening to myself . But , am I immune to all this ? I think nobody is .
As of now , I feel that I am pretty safe ... Jobwise . As the Auto Repair business , did take a big hit , due to a few things as of late .
#1 : As the Economy was still good and the Housing Market went skyward's , many with Homes had all of a sudden unexpected wealth from their Equity of their Homes . So , as I noticed ... many more People driving new Car's , which they either bought or leased . Result : Less repair's for Shop's like our's .
#2 : As the Economy went downward's , many that had big Payment's / Leases on their Car's , out of nowhere , find themselves Cash strapped and as Employer's cut back Job's or lay'd people off , sometimes on a day's notice .
Now of course , new Car , no Money to pay or Fix them ( Maintenance of their Car ) . So they were inbetween , giving their new Car back and bring out the old ( sitting for year's , somewhere unseen ) to get them running again . So , as you know , this wont be cheap , Mechanical wise , Registration and Insurance and in many cases a Smog Check , which in California is pretty stiff on older Car's .
that by itself can cost from many Hundred's to over a thousand Dollar's real fast .
#3 : Now , with the ... " Bring " in your 25 or newer Cluncker ( if it get's less than 18 miles a Gallon ) and receive $ 4500 off a new Car's Price . So .... now the Government is pushing new Car's and helping People get rid of their old ones ... ones again . What are they trying to do ? Put all the Repair business's OUT of BUSINESS ? Just figure , new Car's ... most no Tune-up needed for 60,000 to even 100.000 miles . What does that leave for us Independent Repair Shop's to do ? Oil change , Brakes and some other stuff that break's , due to neglect . Not much to keep all the Shop's going , that are halfway decent and the ones you can trust .
As our Shop is Family owned and alway's has been , I'm the next one to get the control's , as my Uncle is going to be 66 year's old . As we have a running Lease on the Building , and it was time to renew ... I was added to the Lease . Concidering , that my Uncle want's to retire in about one to three year's at most . So where does that leave Me , in that time ? I have 10 year's to go , for me to call it quit's .
Now , this is where the thinking comes in , is this Business doomed , as more and more new Car Manufacturer's make it harder and harder for the normal Family operation to stay in Business . Mercedes now , as of '05 Model's ... a Shop has to be on the Internet when Changing the Oil and one has to call Germany , to get the okay to reset the Oil Service Light . Yes ... this along with having no more Dipstick to speak off , is how bad it's gotten . I'm sure the other's will follow not to far in the Future .
To think , what these People get away with , is Criminal ... why ??? Because , it's the Buyer that " PAY'S " for all that extra ( not really needed Item's ) . Does anybody really need a talking Car ? Well watch out that will be next .
So anyway , that is my main worry in this lousy ( Calif . especially ) Economy .
I can see myself and my Sweetheart , going back to my second Home ... the beautiful Country that my Wife was born in . If that is alright with my Lao Po of course .
Well , back to Work tomorrow and work on those nice BMW's , that make up about 40% of our work . They do need alway's something , even though their nice Car's . Hehehe
As I see many of my close Friends struggle to hang on to their Home and some that lost it already . Most of the Time , due to loosing their Job of many years . Yes , some with beautiful Homes and a Family , grandchildren and the next thing they living in their Car .
It doesn't seem to matter , what Position ... Job title ... how long one was working for somebody , some big Company ... you wake up and realize , this is a day , that you never wanted to see . It's bad enough , to see Children without Parent's ( not because they don't have any ) , but to see Parent's with a Wife and Children out of work and nowhere to go . I really can not put myself into their Shoe's , because ... I can not imagine this ever happening to myself . But , am I immune to all this ? I think nobody is .
As of now , I feel that I am pretty safe ... Jobwise . As the Auto Repair business , did take a big hit , due to a few things as of late .
#1 : As the Economy was still good and the Housing Market went skyward's , many with Homes had all of a sudden unexpected wealth from their Equity of their Homes . So , as I noticed ... many more People driving new Car's , which they either bought or leased . Result : Less repair's for Shop's like our's .
#2 : As the Economy went downward's , many that had big Payment's / Leases on their Car's , out of nowhere , find themselves Cash strapped and as Employer's cut back Job's or lay'd people off , sometimes on a day's notice .
Now of course , new Car , no Money to pay or Fix them ( Maintenance of their Car ) . So they were inbetween , giving their new Car back and bring out the old ( sitting for year's , somewhere unseen ) to get them running again . So , as you know , this wont be cheap , Mechanical wise , Registration and Insurance and in many cases a Smog Check , which in California is pretty stiff on older Car's .
that by itself can cost from many Hundred's to over a thousand Dollar's real fast .
#3 : Now , with the ... " Bring " in your 25 or newer Cluncker ( if it get's less than 18 miles a Gallon ) and receive $ 4500 off a new Car's Price . So .... now the Government is pushing new Car's and helping People get rid of their old ones ... ones again . What are they trying to do ? Put all the Repair business's OUT of BUSINESS ? Just figure , new Car's ... most no Tune-up needed for 60,000 to even 100.000 miles . What does that leave for us Independent Repair Shop's to do ? Oil change , Brakes and some other stuff that break's , due to neglect . Not much to keep all the Shop's going , that are halfway decent and the ones you can trust .
As our Shop is Family owned and alway's has been , I'm the next one to get the control's , as my Uncle is going to be 66 year's old . As we have a running Lease on the Building , and it was time to renew ... I was added to the Lease . Concidering , that my Uncle want's to retire in about one to three year's at most . So where does that leave Me , in that time ? I have 10 year's to go , for me to call it quit's .
Now , this is where the thinking comes in , is this Business doomed , as more and more new Car Manufacturer's make it harder and harder for the normal Family operation to stay in Business . Mercedes now , as of '05 Model's ... a Shop has to be on the Internet when Changing the Oil and one has to call Germany , to get the okay to reset the Oil Service Light . Yes ... this along with having no more Dipstick to speak off , is how bad it's gotten . I'm sure the other's will follow not to far in the Future .
To think , what these People get away with , is Criminal ... why ??? Because , it's the Buyer that " PAY'S " for all that extra ( not really needed Item's ) . Does anybody really need a talking Car ? Well watch out that will be next .
So anyway , that is my main worry in this lousy ( Calif . especially ) Economy .
I can see myself and my Sweetheart , going back to my second Home ... the beautiful Country that my Wife was born in . If that is alright with my Lao Po of course .
Well , back to Work tomorrow and work on those nice BMW's , that make up about 40% of our work . They do need alway's something , even though their nice Car's . Hehehe
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Ahh , the not so welcome Guest !
This Post has nothing to do with my Lao Po , well just not yet .
As you all know , including my Sweetheart , as of now .. I take care of our Home and Yard myself .
As we find ourself's alway's saying , that us Human's are " Civilized " . In some cases .. yes .. but other times we act really like un- Civilized People . Hence there are alway's War's going on somewhere in the World , and so many wrong doing's by some many People against other's .
So , I do ask myself this question many times in my Years .
Are we really and truely a " Civilized " race , here on Planet Earth ?
I really think , that WE think we are . But to take a closer look at some of the smallest of small , and study them in their own Habitat . This is when I come to what this Post is all about . A species ( an insect ) that all of us are very well aware of , wherever it might be , your at any given place and they will join you .
Of course , most of you know by now , what I am talking about . Yes ... a not so welcome Guest , that goes as it please's anywhere it want's to .
No not the Bee , but the ANT .
Now , we can talk about a Civilized little critter on six leg's , that can give a grown Man fit's . As I keep our Home clean as best that I can manage , under the circumstance's being by yourself having to do all that .
As is the case almost every Summer time , when the weather get's real HOT . Doing yardwork , I see them all over in my Yard . As I see no need to bother them , as they do the same for me . Ha ...but that is where they think otherwise . Being alway's a huge Army , of very well " Trained " which each individual Ant know's exactly what it's job is at any given moment , so it seems . To study them as they go about their ( never thinking about mine ) business of a never ending struggle to find Food and Water . So of course , they do come into the House off and on , at their choosing . Getting up and getting ready for work , I find them sometimes in the stranges places , not many ... but the Scout's ... on the wall , near Windows , by the Sink . Like I said , wherever THEY want to be . Seeing them , out comes the Ant spray ( if a safe place ) or the Windex , which they love ... because it kills them FAST . So I spend some time cleaning again over and over , thinking NICE . Coming Home , it's a 50/50 chance they left ? This goes on for weeks , during Summer month's , like I would need all that extra work ?
To think back , one time I was Mowing my Lawn on the side of the House and I could see them by the thousand's ( maybe even hundred's of thousand's) , anyway ... I decided to go and spray them all . Got them , I was thinking all day , only to discover ... now they came inside to take Revenge on poor Me . That of course was the very last time , I bothered them outside , due to that dreadful day .
I know most of us Hate them with a Passion , but to really check them out , I think ... these little creature's are one of the most amazing and maybe misunderstood little critter that lives with us on this very special place we call the Earth . I really think , if the name " Civilized " should go to something / someone it's the Ant .
This is what I do before and after Work , during the Hot Summer month's . Bad ... with the Good experience , what really makes an Ant do what it does ?
As you all know , including my Sweetheart , as of now .. I take care of our Home and Yard myself .
As we find ourself's alway's saying , that us Human's are " Civilized " . In some cases .. yes .. but other times we act really like un- Civilized People . Hence there are alway's War's going on somewhere in the World , and so many wrong doing's by some many People against other's .
So , I do ask myself this question many times in my Years .
Are we really and truely a " Civilized " race , here on Planet Earth ?
I really think , that WE think we are . But to take a closer look at some of the smallest of small , and study them in their own Habitat . This is when I come to what this Post is all about . A species ( an insect ) that all of us are very well aware of , wherever it might be , your at any given place and they will join you .
Of course , most of you know by now , what I am talking about . Yes ... a not so welcome Guest , that goes as it please's anywhere it want's to .
No not the Bee , but the ANT .
Now , we can talk about a Civilized little critter on six leg's , that can give a grown Man fit's . As I keep our Home clean as best that I can manage , under the circumstance's being by yourself having to do all that .
As is the case almost every Summer time , when the weather get's real HOT . Doing yardwork , I see them all over in my Yard . As I see no need to bother them , as they do the same for me . Ha ...but that is where they think otherwise . Being alway's a huge Army , of very well " Trained " which each individual Ant know's exactly what it's job is at any given moment , so it seems . To study them as they go about their ( never thinking about mine ) business of a never ending struggle to find Food and Water . So of course , they do come into the House off and on , at their choosing . Getting up and getting ready for work , I find them sometimes in the stranges places , not many ... but the Scout's ... on the wall , near Windows , by the Sink . Like I said , wherever THEY want to be . Seeing them , out comes the Ant spray ( if a safe place ) or the Windex , which they love ... because it kills them FAST . So I spend some time cleaning again over and over , thinking NICE . Coming Home , it's a 50/50 chance they left ? This goes on for weeks , during Summer month's , like I would need all that extra work ?
To think back , one time I was Mowing my Lawn on the side of the House and I could see them by the thousand's ( maybe even hundred's of thousand's) , anyway ... I decided to go and spray them all . Got them , I was thinking all day , only to discover ... now they came inside to take Revenge on poor Me . That of course was the very last time , I bothered them outside , due to that dreadful day .
I know most of us Hate them with a Passion , but to really check them out , I think ... these little creature's are one of the most amazing and maybe misunderstood little critter that lives with us on this very special place we call the Earth . I really think , if the name " Civilized " should go to something / someone it's the Ant .
This is what I do before and after Work , during the Hot Summer month's . Bad ... with the Good experience , what really makes an Ant do what it does ?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I'm somewhat excited ! NO not that way !!!
When I say excited , as it comes in many forms , as you know . The reason for to be excited , is because of my Friend from Beijing . His name is Yang . How do I know Him ?
Well it goes back to 2007 , when I started out with this Chnlove thing . After writing to my now "Sister" Min in Baoding , this Man .. happen's to be our Translator and still is to this day . These two Photo's , that he has send me from last year's visit to Shanghai ( top : from the Oriental Pearl Tower ; bottom : from the Pudong side looking toward's Puxi , with Crown Building in background and toward's Yu Yuan Garden ) .
So , as time went on .. we became very good Friend's . We write each other often via E-Mail , and of course he still translate's our letter's between Min and myself . It was a sad day in Beijing in February ( well
So , as time went on .. we became very good Friend's . We write each other often via E-Mail , and of course he still translate's our letter's between Min and myself . It was a sad day in Beijing in February ( well
not really , had my Sweetheart with me ) , but he was out of Town ( Xi-an ) and we missed each other by one day . I have alway's wanted to meet Yang some day , if it's meant to be , then it will happen .
Well , to get back to being excited . I have invited Yang to join our Chnlove Forum , which he has agreed to do , when time permit's .
This is of course very special to our Forum , to have a " REAL " translator join our Forum ( which of course Chnlove is very well aware off it's existence ) as we are a support Group of Chnlove , but also very aware off some of the scam's going on , through some of their Agencies .
We are there to minimize these wrong doing's , whatever it takes .
So to have a real chance to have a Translator and Friend join us , to give us inside information , with honesty and respect that our Forum deserves . So this is going to be special and cause of my excitement , to have that opportunity ... not just for myself ... but for all our Member's . Which are now , more than 215 and counting , from all over the world .
This might not sound like a lot in the Internet business , but it's the kind of People that make up this special Forum , most which have a Girlfriend , Finacee or Wife already for quite a while .
So this all said , NOW please can I go back and think about my Lao Po and weep some , for not being next to my Flower .
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The waiting is getting both of us restless .
As the waiting goes almost into our sixth month's , after being with my Sweetheart last ... waiting and the uncertaincy of not knowing when we will finally get Qing's interview date . We both are getting , not upset or mad , just it becomes harder and harder to be without / close to the one you Love . This really is putting our patience to the test this time . Before I could alway's make plans , book ahead a Trip and let my Lao Po know , when I'll be on my way , to be by her side .
In my Sweetheart's last letter , she checked on the Computer , our Visa application ID number , to see how things are going ? Well it showed that all the paper's are being send to Guangzhou , which they stated that will take three month's time . Then ... ones they get there , it showed another two month's after that . So in other word's , my Sweetheart see's five month's to go .
Now , this is not what my Lawyer told me , after receiving the letter from the Visa Center , telling me that all the paper's are now send to Guangzhou . He told me ( this was in June ) , figure it to be in August or September , but it could also be quicker and happen sooner ( end of July ) .
Now this of course makes both of us a little nervous , not getting a kind of solid or close to it " Date " . Something we both could look forward to , instead just letting time go by , like ... we have sooo much of it ... that it does not matter .
This is exactly how the Government work's with everything , don't care about
the little Guy , only himself and the ones that work for it .
The first time I first had contact with my Lao Po , was Oct. 27 '07 , after that we had to wait for the first time to meet , till May the next year . A little over five month's , were together 11 day's then .
The second time , was a shorter wait , about two and a half month's . That was for the Wedding Celebration in August . Was there for 12 day's then .
The third time , in February this year , my third Trip to be with my Sweetheart . That was for 14 day's , and we had a wonderful time together , visiting Qing's Uncle and Aunt in Beijing . So between August and February , another almost five month's waiting , to see each other again .
Adding all this up , it account's to about 14 month's of waiting and 37 day's of being together .
Looking at it this way , I think we both showed having exceptionlly , a lot of patience , over this time period .
Has it hurt our True Love ? NO ... of course not , as our Heart's are alway's together , our Mind's are alway's together and our feeling's for each other can not even be measured . I ... I mean both of us , know that this is going to only make us ... stronger , appreciate each other's company more , respect one another for going all through this waiting period ( torture really ) , but what this will bring us ... is going to be the most wonderful time , that this has all started out from ... nothing other than a " DREAM " . And this Dream , that we both had at the beginning , we are not going to wake up from and find ourself's alone " EVER " again .
But for now , we only can Dream ( Sleeping ) of being together , but wake up in the Morning and find oneself , alone with no one next to you .
*** As alway's , can only send my LOVE ... this way , but it means just as much ... as being there in Person ***
In my Sweetheart's last letter , she checked on the Computer , our Visa application ID number , to see how things are going ? Well it showed that all the paper's are being send to Guangzhou , which they stated that will take three month's time . Then ... ones they get there , it showed another two month's after that . So in other word's , my Sweetheart see's five month's to go .
Now , this is not what my Lawyer told me , after receiving the letter from the Visa Center , telling me that all the paper's are now send to Guangzhou . He told me ( this was in June ) , figure it to be in August or September , but it could also be quicker and happen sooner ( end of July ) .
Now this of course makes both of us a little nervous , not getting a kind of solid or close to it " Date " . Something we both could look forward to , instead just letting time go by , like ... we have sooo much of it ... that it does not matter .
This is exactly how the Government work's with everything , don't care about
the little Guy , only himself and the ones that work for it .
The first time I first had contact with my Lao Po , was Oct. 27 '07 , after that we had to wait for the first time to meet , till May the next year . A little over five month's , were together 11 day's then .
The second time , was a shorter wait , about two and a half month's . That was for the Wedding Celebration in August . Was there for 12 day's then .
The third time , in February this year , my third Trip to be with my Sweetheart . That was for 14 day's , and we had a wonderful time together , visiting Qing's Uncle and Aunt in Beijing . So between August and February , another almost five month's waiting , to see each other again .
Adding all this up , it account's to about 14 month's of waiting and 37 day's of being together .
Looking at it this way , I think we both showed having exceptionlly , a lot of patience , over this time period .
Has it hurt our True Love ? NO ... of course not , as our Heart's are alway's together , our Mind's are alway's together and our feeling's for each other can not even be measured . I ... I mean both of us , know that this is going to only make us ... stronger , appreciate each other's company more , respect one another for going all through this waiting period ( torture really ) , but what this will bring us ... is going to be the most wonderful time , that this has all started out from ... nothing other than a " DREAM " . And this Dream , that we both had at the beginning , we are not going to wake up from and find ourself's alone " EVER " again .
But for now , we only can Dream ( Sleeping ) of being together , but wake up in the Morning and find oneself , alone with no one next to you .
*** As alway's , can only send my LOVE ... this way , but it means just as much ... as being there in Person ***
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Some interesting stuff going on , as of late .
As yesterday expired , I got to realize again what I went through to find my beautiful " Qing " . To boot ... of all places , at the Los Angeles International Airport .
Just thinking back in time , what I did to set all this in motion . The Chnlove thing !
It is a great source of warming your Heart , whenever I feel down for some or any reason . Knowing , I can alway's look to this point in my Life and say ... you did well . Not only for myself , but for my Wife and her whole Family and not to forget my also . How such little turn of event's , can put in motion so many thing's , it's unbelievable sometimes .

This is one reason , why I was thinking back yesterday . This Photo show's , myself and one of our Chnlove Forum Brother's . One of almost two hundred that we have now , that's me as an Administrator along with five more of the most wonderful People you ever want to be in contact with . As all of them are in contact with a chinese Lady one way or another and our Job is to make sure they have the time of their Life's and with as little trouble as possible . This Guy , Josh Markley
( I nicknamed him JO-MA ) is on his way to his first meeting of his Girlfriend in Baoding ( China ) . As he had a layover of six hour's at LAX , I decided after my Work , I will join him for a nice Cold Beer and we can talk whatever comes to mind . As I know he must be nervous or he will be soon as it get's closer to his destination to meet the Girl , that he so far only saw on Paper and on Webcam .
I have alway's been helpful with People , that wanted to find the True Love of there Life , because this is how I found mine . It makes me feel really good , knowing ... I give something back of the wonderful and most precious thing a Man can receive ... a loving and a true Soul-Mate .
So we talked for some two and a half hour's , of our experience's , problem's , the family's view's , the long distance relationship with a chinese Woman , that seem to attract so many western Men at this hard and a Economy very unstable at the moment . But , these Men ... knowing what is to gain from all this , is priceless . There just is no " WOMAN " like a chinese Woman .
So as Jo-Ma know's the many hour's ahead of him on an Airplane , I seem to count down the hour's with him , to finally stand in front of his Girlfriend ( soon to be his Wife ) .... just awesome .... can there be more said ?
Anyway , there are other thing's that I think of now . You know , as a Beatles Fan ( alway's have been ) , this is the day of their 40th Anniversary being on the Ed Sullivan Show , way back in 1969 . As this was only one month before I decided to come to the United States of America as a Teenager ( 16 ) . People alway's tell you , enjoy your every day , because time fly's and before you know it ... your are getting old and grey . As I can remember , back then ... " Lady Madonna " and " Hey Jude " were my favorite Song's then . There even was a time I try'd to learn how to play the Guitar ( six month's of lesson's ) and all I could play was Beatles song's . I do own many of there Album's , even the white all signed by all four .
Another Event , that as a Youngster ... was the Apollo 11 mission . It also has a 40 year Anniversary , as of today . It started out with the take-off of the Mission and on July 20 '69 it was time to witness this amazing adventure from your Livingroom TV . I can really remember this moment in time . Because , in Germany at the time , we saw only at that time our first real Color Tv's coming into the Store's for sale . As we were not wealthy enough to own one of those , I followed everything on Radio . I tell you , I was up till after 04 :00 in the morning listening of the final touch down of Eagle and the first step's of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin ( Buzz Buzz , he got that from ME ) . I am sure glad and fortunate enough to be part of that History in my Lifetime .
So , as you all can see .... no matter what the Event , alway's make the best of it and you will have nothing but to say .... thank you to YOURSELF for making it all possible .
But remember , who you must really " Thank " ?
Just thinking back in time , what I did to set all this in motion . The Chnlove thing !
It is a great source of warming your Heart , whenever I feel down for some or any reason . Knowing , I can alway's look to this point in my Life and say ... you did well . Not only for myself , but for my Wife and her whole Family and not to forget my also . How such little turn of event's , can put in motion so many thing's , it's unbelievable sometimes .

This is one reason , why I was thinking back yesterday . This Photo show's , myself and one of our Chnlove Forum Brother's . One of almost two hundred that we have now , that's me as an Administrator along with five more of the most wonderful People you ever want to be in contact with . As all of them are in contact with a chinese Lady one way or another and our Job is to make sure they have the time of their Life's and with as little trouble as possible . This Guy , Josh Markley
( I nicknamed him JO-MA ) is on his way to his first meeting of his Girlfriend in Baoding ( China ) . As he had a layover of six hour's at LAX , I decided after my Work , I will join him for a nice Cold Beer and we can talk whatever comes to mind . As I know he must be nervous or he will be soon as it get's closer to his destination to meet the Girl , that he so far only saw on Paper and on Webcam .
I have alway's been helpful with People , that wanted to find the True Love of there Life , because this is how I found mine . It makes me feel really good , knowing ... I give something back of the wonderful and most precious thing a Man can receive ... a loving and a true Soul-Mate .
So we talked for some two and a half hour's , of our experience's , problem's , the family's view's , the long distance relationship with a chinese Woman , that seem to attract so many western Men at this hard and a Economy very unstable at the moment . But , these Men ... knowing what is to gain from all this , is priceless . There just is no " WOMAN " like a chinese Woman .
So as Jo-Ma know's the many hour's ahead of him on an Airplane , I seem to count down the hour's with him , to finally stand in front of his Girlfriend ( soon to be his Wife ) .... just awesome .... can there be more said ?
Anyway , there are other thing's that I think of now . You know , as a Beatles Fan ( alway's have been ) , this is the day of their 40th Anniversary being on the Ed Sullivan Show , way back in 1969 . As this was only one month before I decided to come to the United States of America as a Teenager ( 16 ) . People alway's tell you , enjoy your every day , because time fly's and before you know it ... your are getting old and grey . As I can remember , back then ... " Lady Madonna " and " Hey Jude " were my favorite Song's then . There even was a time I try'd to learn how to play the Guitar ( six month's of lesson's ) and all I could play was Beatles song's . I do own many of there Album's , even the white all signed by all four .
Another Event , that as a Youngster ... was the Apollo 11 mission . It also has a 40 year Anniversary , as of today . It started out with the take-off of the Mission and on July 20 '69 it was time to witness this amazing adventure from your Livingroom TV . I can really remember this moment in time . Because , in Germany at the time , we saw only at that time our first real Color Tv's coming into the Store's for sale . As we were not wealthy enough to own one of those , I followed everything on Radio . I tell you , I was up till after 04 :00 in the morning listening of the final touch down of Eagle and the first step's of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin ( Buzz Buzz , he got that from ME ) . I am sure glad and fortunate enough to be part of that History in my Lifetime .
So , as you all can see .... no matter what the Event , alway's make the best of it and you will have nothing but to say .... thank you to YOURSELF for making it all possible .
But remember , who you must really " Thank " ?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Just making the best of my time , while waiting .

Do I really need to say many word's ... here ?
As I was anxiously awaiting my Sweetheart's reply to my last letter and a singing " BEE " card , telling Her ... that I'm alway's thinking of my Lao Po and how much I miss Her and Love Her .
Well , today came the wonderful Letter , as it does every week and it had a beautiful attachment with it . Yes , the Photo above . How great Life can be , sharing it with someone ... so thoughtful , loving and the most wonderful Person in my Life now .
Is one of my first handwritten notes to my Flower , that I am proud of and my Lao Po even more so . This drawing Character's , really is like painting and few I do know , I make a point not to forget them and write them often ... over and over . People must think sometimes , that I'm crazy writing on everything that can be written on with a Felt Pen . " NO " ... it's not being carzy , it being in Love with someone you care about and try to learn at least something of Her language and Culture . Having a great Teacher in my Lao Po and under no pressure to learn like in School , I think ... I will do alright with my 75% used up Brain . Hahaha
So , to come back to my Lao Po's letter , which was an answer to my last Blog so to speak . About my Weekend and my Bar-B- Q'ing ( has nothing to do with Qing ) . As it explained that I'm not the best at that , but I would not say , that I have not learned something over the years at the Grill . Well , I know how to turn it " ON " and " OFF " . That took two year's . Now , I do like it though . The only thing I have learned and don't like , was my late Wife ... alway's put on the Chicken ( Raw ) , when in fact , I like to cook it somewhat first and then put it on the Grill . So not to get it burned before it's done . This was one of the hardest thing to master , that my late Wife knew how to get it done without burning . I never found out how she did it , and never really bothered Her and ask . Because it looked too hard for me . I have a lot of Patience with many thing's , but when it comes to Cooking , it is pretty much out the window . I know now , it's due to not having much confidence in yourself .
But , to let my Sweetheart know , I do know alot of Mexican , German and American dishes , that I can teach my chinese Cooking Wife " Qing " . We'll teach each other many thing's , I'm sure .Like today , as I'm writing , I have three Chicken Breast's in the Oven for making my favorite Asian Chicken Salad . Yum Yum ... can you smell it ?
She also ask about my Weekend . As I have mentioned on my previous Blog entry , I was going to pick up my Friend ( Ron ) and go to a Celebration for the fourth of July . Picked him up about 10:30 in the morning on Sunday , and off we went to Fillmore ( close to the Ventura Beach ) . As the four previous year's , it was alway's a two day Event . But to our surprise , there was NOBODY there at City Hall and the surrounding Park ? What is going on , has the bad Economy something to do with this ? We looked at each other and started to laugh . What now ???
So ... I give all of my Follower's one guess , what we did next ?
It was of course my Idea , let's go to ... no other then ... Chinatown ! How many guessed right ?
Even though it's about 60 + miles away , it alway's draw's me there for some reason , I can not explain ? Rubbish ... it's because , it reminds me of my Lao Po , what else ? Hence , Ron hasn't been there of many .. many year's , he agree'd . So Chinatown it was . I must tell you , not only did Ron enjoy himself , but of course I did even more . Some of the Street's were closed , due to some Festivities for the Fourth of July ... Chinese Style . Alway's a sight to see , but a sad situation to be in .. not having my Sweetheart next to me . As I go through the Market Places , it reminds me of Yu Yuan Garden , that my Lao Po love's soooo much to go to.
We had a great Lunch at the famous " Hop Luie " . Of course , while paying the Bill , there I was again .. writing Zhen de hen xie-xie ni and SH MiFeng ( in character's ) on the receipt . The Lady took it and walked off , but suddenly stopped and took a closer look at the paper . Was shocked of course , as she saw this . I'm sooo bad ...but I love it !!!
As my Wife would say " Naughty BEE " !!!
She is right , but I also LOVE , when she calls me this . It's the way She say's it , with the most sweetest Voice , that my Ear's have ever listened to .
Well , I do hope it was an interesting Post today , as I will send it off , all the way ... halfway around the World now ... to no other then my ---->
Shanghai Flower
Friday, July 3, 2009
As the togetherness is coming together !
That Title might sound funny , but it does make a lot of sence . As Qing and I are maybe only weeks apart , to be in each other's Arms again ... it raises both of our Spirit's . It's like somebody is fanning our pilot light that alway's glow's in our Heart's and it's turning into a huge flame of a warm feeling of Love , knowing it wont be too long to realize the Dream that started , from a very sad time frame of my Life .

This Photo of Qing and I , yes driving a Car ( in China ) without a License , is at Shanghai's Oriental Park . This was only two day's after we got married ( 05-09-08 ) at the Registry ( Courthouse ) . As one can see , a happy driver and a happy passenger . This was one of many beautiful ( not so much Tourist sight's ) but one of the few Bar-b-que places in and around Shanghai . I must say , they do have the most wonderful and clean Park's that I have ever seen . What a great time not just with Qing , but the whole Family of her's and the great Food which I helped preparing of course , since even here ... it's a Man's thing . Foreigner or not , I offered my Hand at the Grill .
This being my first Trip to China and to meet my Sweetheart , I must admit , I did not burn or overcooked any of the item's I was in charge of . Being kind of nervous and all , as I did not or was not let to do much of Grill'in at Home , since my late Wife took charge ( really took charge ) of this part of the Summer Fun . I wasn't going to argue with anyone , but I did feel a little out of place , when someone is sooo much a better Cook ... than I will ever be .
Well it's going to be the Fourth of July weekend and with the Sun being out , the Grill's are all on Fire so to speak , but as for me ? What , grill for myself ? I don't don't think so . I will be going to Fillmore and see my ex Son in-law Lonnie Ponce's Band play some great Music at a yearly Festival there , along with a Car-show and Rides , Food and Drink , Art's and Craft's . I will be going with a good friend of mine from the Newspaper place , from which we both retired from a long time ago . Anybody that doesn't know Lonnie , he's my oldest Step-daughter's ex Husband . So this is a pretty much yearly thing , to see them all , as he Volunteer's his time and Band for free ... for two day's around the Fourth of July . His Band's name is " HOUSE ARREST BAND " , if anybody is interested finding their Music . It's super !!!
As a special Gift today , I received a new Follower of my Blog . I love to have here , " Diana " being part of my Story and I need to make a point to go see her and her family , in the near Future . I do miss them , it's been since the Funeral of my late Wife , her Sister . One of seven , that she had and only one Brother .
Happy 4th of July , to all of my Follower's and of course all the ones joining us everywhere to celebrate this Country's birthday .

This Photo of Qing and I , yes driving a Car ( in China ) without a License , is at Shanghai's Oriental Park . This was only two day's after we got married ( 05-09-08 ) at the Registry ( Courthouse ) . As one can see , a happy driver and a happy passenger . This was one of many beautiful ( not so much Tourist sight's ) but one of the few Bar-b-que places in and around Shanghai . I must say , they do have the most wonderful and clean Park's that I have ever seen . What a great time not just with Qing , but the whole Family of her's and the great Food which I helped preparing of course , since even here ... it's a Man's thing . Foreigner or not , I offered my Hand at the Grill .

Well it's going to be the Fourth of July weekend and with the Sun being out , the Grill's are all on Fire so to speak , but as for me ? What , grill for myself ? I don't don't think so . I will be going to Fillmore and see my ex Son in-law Lonnie Ponce's Band play some great Music at a yearly Festival there , along with a Car-show and Rides , Food and Drink , Art's and Craft's . I will be going with a good friend of mine from the Newspaper place , from which we both retired from a long time ago . Anybody that doesn't know Lonnie , he's my oldest Step-daughter's ex Husband . So this is a pretty much yearly thing , to see them all , as he Volunteer's his time and Band for free ... for two day's around the Fourth of July . His Band's name is " HOUSE ARREST BAND " , if anybody is interested finding their Music . It's super !!!
As a special Gift today , I received a new Follower of my Blog . I love to have here , " Diana " being part of my Story and I need to make a point to go see her and her family , in the near Future . I do miss them , it's been since the Funeral of my late Wife , her Sister . One of seven , that she had and only one Brother .
Happy 4th of July , to all of my Follower's and of course all the ones joining us everywhere to celebrate this Country's birthday .
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