Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How wonderful it was!

Last Friday morning started real early for us. The reason for that, was because its the start of our San Francisco trip.
So at 04:00am it was all out of Bed, have some Coffee and head over to Paso Robles to meet a Family member (my first Wife's cousin) for Breakfast on our first short stop-over. My LaoPo because she wanted to "Help" with the driving, she took on the first 200 miles (three hours) of the trip. I usually make that distance in 2 3/4 to 3 hours myself, so for my Sweetheart to make it in 3 hours and 15 minutes wasn't bad at all. Thus, we arrived at 08:15 and spend about a good hour with "Minnie&Veronica"  (her daughter) having the much needed Food and more of the Java for the second leg.. Carmel/Monterey.

For Qing it was the second meeting with Minnie, as we had stayed over her House for a night a couple of years ago.. for a shorter outing to Cambria. It was the first time though, for her to meet Qing's Son Tianchi.. which she had pictured to be much smaller/younger for some reason?
Anyway, it was really great meeting up ones more and by 09:30am we were on our way up the Coast on Highway 1.

to be continued.....

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