Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ahhh .... looking forward to be at that very spot again .

Coming into Shanghai , this will be my fourth time now .

Now , why does it seem like it's the first time each and every time ... I meet my Sweetheart at Pu Dong ? I mean , except that we are married now , but there is alway's the feeling of something new .

This time it has been the longest that we have been apart , not counting my 54 previous year's . A long six and a half month's . I hope I still remember what she looks like ? I might have to check the Lady , that is going to jump up welcoming me , and see her ID Card .

So , it's two weeks away ... that I will be with my Qing and my new Family again . Not to forget , the City that I love for two reason's ... first , yeah ... because Qing was born there ... second , because of it's beauty and it's friendly People and the Food of course . Oh .. I know , that is more than two ! Let's say , there are hundred reason's .

Been counting the month's , week's ... now it's time to count the hour's , before lift -off .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Have a wonderful trip Arnold, it must be wonderful to be visiting your lovely Lao Po again, best wishes to you both.

  3. Thanks Irish , there is no feeling like going ( no matter how long it takes ) to see your LaoPo again . Soon the waiting will be over .
