Sunday, February 28, 2010

A most wonderful Birthday !

I must say , last Friday .. a day I took off from Work , yes .. because of me getting a year older and I now need the rest more often . It was definitely one I will remember a long time , like forever .

This day started out I will tell you , right at Home after the Clock rang in the Midnight Hour . Don't need to go into details , but I was wished a Happy Birthday in a warm way from my Sweetheart . Not that we are night People , but lately with the Olympic Games on .. we pretty much stay up passed that time anyway watching .

After a home-cooked Breakfast by me , it was off to the Motor Vehicle Dept. for Qing's long awaited Written Driving Test that she has studied for in both English and Chinese from the DMV booklet's . After a two Hour wait for your number to be called , it was time to show how well she studied . Confidence just pouring from her Face so to speak , while I was a little more nervous than she actually was . So I left her alone ( poor LaoPo ) something I have not done much since she's here with me , in the Examination Area . She went to work , while I watch her closely from a distance no more than was allowed for Visitor's . I check my Watch and I think she finished in about 9 minutes and then looked them over one more time to be sure of the answer's given . Ten minutes , boy .. I was thinking , this would take me at least 20 minutes to half hour if I had to do it now .
the DMV Employee looked over her sheet's and I could see that both had a smile on their Faces , as Qing passed it with a 100% score . I'm so jealous , because .. not that I failed mine , but I think remembering back .. I had the max. allowed wrong that time . But on the other Hand , I'm sooo proud having a smart Wife like this . Now it's my turn , as I'm the one Teaching her how to drive a Car ( something she's never done in Shanghai ) , to show how well I do at that . It will certainly show at her Driving Test , which she should be ready for in one Month . Her score then , will reflect back to me . So , will I come out as a great SiFu or will it be ... where can I hide ???

After this , we also took advantage of me being off .. to go and straighten out a mistake the Social Security Office made with her Card . Both the Green Card and her S.S. Card were send the same day , but the names on the two Card did not match . I like our Government , the simple things alway's seem to trouble them most . Then .. the most likely look for a way , to make it your fault . Like the old saying goes ... if you can't beat them ... join them . The big surprise was all this straightening out , did not cost us anything . Wow , there are things for Free still . haha

By now it was close to think about what's for Dinner ? We both decided it would be Sushi night . But , before that ... we had a quick stop at the Grocery Market for a few things for tomorrow's Dinner with our great Neighbor's . Chinese all the way , even with the Music in the background . I do hope they know/learned how to use Chopstick's , on which I will not budge and give them ... Silverware . I will not have Qing's great Food from Shanghai contaminated with Metal . haha
By about 6:30 pm it was now time to go to one of our new found Sushi places here close by the House . Walking in , we spotted a chinese Lady with a Gentleman sitting at the Sushi Bar already . She caught both of our interest of course , as Qing introduced herself and me to this Lady .. it happens to be , that she was also from Shanghai . My God , and she grew up not far from where Qing grew up . Both from the same District in PuXi . As they say , it's a small World . This of course let Qing forget ( well almost ) that I was with her . But , it was good to see ... them getting it into high gear with the Shanghainese . You could almost think , it was her Birthday today . In the back of my Mind , I was thinking ... this got to be a reward for her doing so great on her written Test earlier in the day .
She deserve's all this , as this is a special day for her too . After all the good Food , it was back to where the day begun . One of my most memorable B-day's for sure .


  1. You had an amazing day, Arnold! Congrats and Happy Birthday! :D

  2. Thank you Carl .Yes I did indeed .
    Oh .. if we could have all day's like this , we properly would get sick from having too good of a time . haha
