Friday, May 14, 2010

Was just thinking ?

Yes ... funny , but I do think of this off and on most day's when thinking of my LaoPo .
After the two years we have been married now and together almost six months , I do get to know her more closely and more personal . Going through everyday Life . Being apart because I'm at Work or doing the many thing we manage to and are able to do as a Couple . Get to see ; some of her fault's , some of her habit's ( not bad ones .. thank God ) and showing me exactly how " Different " a Chinese Woman is to .. let's say a American Woman .
As morning comes and the Sun shines into your Window and begging you to get up . I get greeted .. not with a shock of morning Hair and no Make-up , but with a beautiful smile and a Kiss/big Hug good morning . Now is that not a wonderful way to wake up and look forward to a day where your LaoPo is part of .
*** It warms the Heart ***
Being married before , to a equally sweet Woman ( though older than myself by 12 years ) . I've noticed my LaoPo , since being younger .. does not take as long to put on " THE " Face and get Dressed to face the World . That of course is something Men know all about . Let's go we're going to be late .. thing each time . So , this is now a much lesser deal for me to worry about and it is sort of nice of course .
While I'm talking about my Wife getting Dressed , the difference I see now up close is this : My Chinese Wife , whatever the occasion it might be .. she is always Dressed so nice and most of all .. she looks very Feminine to my Eyes . She does not need or want to come across , look wise or sound wise .. even close to a Man . Something I have noticed , is happening all over in these times . Market's , Shopping Center's , Restaurant's .. ect. ect. . They act and look more and more like a Man does and it's not becoming to them , from a Men's point of view .
Some of my own Relatives , call these Chinese Lady's .. Spineless / Puppet's kind of Women . Now you and I know , that is NOT a nice thing to say about a Culture they know nothing about and even less about their Women . It really Irks me sometimes to just go ahead and slap these People .. Family or not .
Realizing , I'm too happy to let this bother me too much anyway .. I know what I have and the wonderful Woman I'm married to .
*** A Woman ; that is , that act's , breathes and lives the part of a Woman ***
So what can I say more , then .. I'm a lucky Son of a Gun or even better .. Son of the East !
*** Wo feng le MiFeng ... yong yuan ai ni ***


  1. Hi Arnold! I think your post relates nicely with what Martin was saying in one of his recent posts... try not to pre-judge people, and especially avoid making quick generalizations. Well written post, Arnold... but I do need your help on one thing... please translate your final words to English if you don't mind. Thanks! :D

  2. Haha .. Carl , guess your Chinese is not up to date ?
    Your crazy Honey Bee .. love you forever .

    I never pre- judge or generalize People anymore , but I tell you .. in my younger day's I use to . Now I call as I see it , one on one . Keeps you out of trouble .
