Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 .. hope it brings " Good " things for all .

As Christmas is now over two weeks in the past , it was time for our Tree and other Decorations to come down and be put away in the Garage .. til next time .

But , as it is always a split time of excitement and worries .. what to buy as Gift's and for how many ? With some Families it seem to grow in number , but in this not so good time in our Economy .. one has to watch and make good choices .. not to over spend and be sorry later .

This is the very reason , Qing and I just gifted each-other with an wonderful Ping Pong ( Table Tennis ) Table . This has brought on a challenge between the two of us .. right away .

To talk about this Table a little , for anyone thinking of buying one in the Future . We did check many .. many Tables available over the Internet . From the low ( $ 150 ) to the expensive ones from Addidas at a price ( from the $ 1,500's ) too steep for myself .

We came upon a Costco Table , that caught my Eye instantly .. because of a couple features I like very much . One being , 1" Table Top and the other being .. it came with Air-shocks to help raise the Table-halves with practically with one finger . Mind you this Table weights some 250 lbs. complete with Roll-away Frame .

It also included Net , Paddle's and three Ball's .. so no waiting to Play ones it was set up . That took about three Hours , with Qing and myself having not really any problem lifting the 100 lbs table half's to the from .

Yes , I sound like an Advertiser here .. but this is a Super Table .. anyone interested in one .

Anyway , now how did it go .. between Qing and I playing wise ?

We play 3 games ( to 21 ) to win a set and 3 Set's to win a match and 3 match's to call oneself a Champ .

So far , Qing has won 2 match's and I won 1 match ( 2-1 ) . Qing was ahead 2-0 , but my Fatherland is represented here .. so I better get going and play my best . This is of course harder then one thinks , as I'm improving .. so is my Sweetheart or should I call her " opponent " instead ?

It is true , these Chinese are ALL great Ping Pong Player's and I can vouch for that .. seeing it with my own Eyes .


  1. That looks like a heavy duty table. Was any ball boys included ??

    Sunny and I are into backgammon now. Fierce battles.

  2. It really is a GREAT table and yes some fierce games are to be play'd on it . I did come back and beat Qing ( 3-2 ), as I kept my composure under pressure and was able to defeat my Sweetheart .. but just barely 23-21 in the last deciding Game . Champ for now , til the return Match .
    Qing beat me at Backgammon pretty bad , as I have yet to win a Game at that .
