Monday, July 1, 2013

New member in the Family...

Qing and I were looking forward for quite some time, having this addition to our Home.

After finally choosing (that was anything but easy) which one was the "right" choice. It's 18 years old already and we don't even know if it's a Boy or a Girl?

Then again, we didn't even ask or thought about it before it arrived today. To make it comfortable, being new to our home and all.. we put "him/her/it" in our nice backyard to relax. Wanting to make it as easy as we could for the arrival.

Three People had to deliver Medty, yeah let's call it Medty. Hence it's origin is the Mediterranean region. Now it's sitting in our backyard and looks quite happy.

By now all you readers must wonder, what is this Guy talking about? I wont say any more, just add some Photo's of Medty and you'll see for yourselves....

1 comment:

  1. Nice tree ! Nice Medty, sorry :)
    I like those trees because, as you say, it is linked to "relax" and man often sees it close to the sea or oceans :)
    My parents have one too but it's a little one. I just guess we will have to wait some years to see it growing :)
