Saturday, June 6, 2009

One more Poem , while missing my Qing .

As today was a slow day at Home , with not much to do , but to wait for the Stanley Cup Final ( Game 5 ) to come on the Television . Thinking of nobody but my sweet Wife and what Hajo has started to do now , excite his Vicky with Poem's of his own . So why not get down and write my 13th Poem today . As this took about 20 minutes to scribble on a notepad and 45 minutes to write it on special paper and scan it , to be send to my Lao Po , alway's waiting for new letter's or photo's from her Lao Gong .

So I like to share this with all my Follower's here :

Waiting .... Missing .... Waiting !

A lover who is alone
even Married to a Spouse
but far away and at Home
to only be without Her smiles
missing the one He chose
apart by many ... many miles .

Speaking of my sweet Lao Po
how the Heart is so able
feeling and loving Her certain glow
missing all since came the depart
looking for something to ring
making it easier to cope
with time and the sorrow
waiting to hear my Lady sing .

Sharing Her beautiful Voice
it is so special , but even though
seeing Her grace and love flow
to think of that awesome choice
made by Me a long time ago
to find this Woman on opposite World's
falling in Love and having to wait
to make the Love grow
and finally be with your Mate .


  1. You aren't hiding in his mirror again are you?

  2. No , but when he opens his Medicine Cabinet , I'll be waiting for him .

  3. Nice poem, Arnold. I have to send mine in Chinese. Therefore I stay away from handwriting, hehe. I hope you are having fun in the medicine cabinet, it has not been opened the last 10 years!

  4. Hahahaha ... Hajo , don't you ever Shave ?
    Chicken !!!

    Thanks Hajo , what all we do for a Woman's LOVE ?

    Carl , thank you also . Sometimes , I ask myself , did I write this ?
