First , am I Superstitious ? Well this being my 13th Post for this Month , I was thinking .. should I or shouldn't I ?
Can't say that this number ever given me bad Luck , so I will write today . just not in " Black " ink .
I left off last by Qing Passing her Driving Test , so now it was time for her to look for some Part-time work ( not counting out Full-time if worth it ) . Anyway , first I've told LaoPo .. we are going to Market's , Department Stores , Hotel's and a few other's .. like a Teller Job at an Bank . There was no thought of a Fast food Joint at that time .
Found out that all Market Job's , could only be obtained by going on a Computer and filling out an Application and including a Resume and answering many .. many Questions on background Job's and of course Schooling/Education . Which we did at night , only to find out , they all go through an Employment Agency .. with which we really had to deal with more then .. I ever wanted to . In other words , it's a Pain in the Backside . I'm still old-fashion , when it comes to looking for a Job .. just give me a piece a Paper to fill out and call me .. IF ? This was still the case with a few Department Stores , Hotel Desk and a couple Restaurant's ( Chinese ) we applied for . This Job Hunting went on for a good three Month's with NO result . So we included to check the Newspaper from our Area on the Weekend . I was surprised , how few Job's there were .. as for a few Years back .. where the Paper was full of them . Having no good news from anybody coming in , except a Job offer at an 99 Ranch Market in Cucamonga . Oh yeah , Qing will drive herself everyday 80 miles ( one way ) for a Chinese Owner that will Work you to the Bones for a little Money and some Discounts on Items they sell .
This is when the Fast Food Restaurant's idea came along . Why not I thought ? So off we went to every Panta Express in a 15 Mile radius near our Home . Resume after Resume was dropped off at each one . The one good thing we had going for us , was that we have a great Friend working at one of them and he is a Manager of that Facility . But could he help Qing ? I had no idea , but he sure would be helpful if he could .
By now , I swear .. we had filled out at least a couple dozen Application's all over three Valley's . Some 40 mile away , which of course was to be a better Job .. as one does not want to earn Pay to feed the Gas Pump .
Qing's patience was wearing pretty thin with progressing speed . Finally a call ! It was from a JC Penney Store , with an appointment for a Interview . Excited of course , she made it there the day that was set for an Shoe-Department Associate . Coming Home , I wanted to find out right away .. how it went ?
It was good as they were asking some of the same questions , she had already answered on the PC and second .. she was "Only" one .. in about 16-17 People (Women ) there for that same Job .. arrwwwh . So the waiting continued , not for long though . Panta Express called and ask to see Qing . I thought of our Friend right away , was he the one that came through for my LaoPo ?
The day of the Interview was here and Qing had to drive herself to a Place , she was not familiar with . About half an Hour from Home , near a small Airport in a large Building ? The evening before I had to check this Location out , as this did not sound
right , Interview out in nowhere Land ? I was worried for my LaoPo , so I called the Lady back that gave Qing the date/location of the said Interview . After explaining to me that they don't hold them at the actual Restaurant's , but at this Company Building . Now it was all good and Qing made it there on time . To her surprise , our Friend also was present .. but not to do the Interview itself . When it was Qing's turn for questioning , it was like an Audition with not just one Person giving you questions and putting her under quite some pressure . She did her best I'm sure . Another couple weeks passed , before the call that was eluding us came .. you have a Job ! You can say , we were both very happy .. not the greatest Job .. but it's a beginning for my Sweetheart . Somewhat of a Job experience here in the States , that will only be for a time .. she'll find a much better one .. after going to School to be a ( her wish ) Registered Nurse . This will be a few years down the Road .. but a great Goal none the less .
Anyway , I'm happy to see my LaoPo feeling much better .. not just sitting at Home .
LaoPo happy ... LaoGong happy TOO !
PS: Sorry , I would add a Photo of my LaoPo in Uniform , but was told nicely NOT to .
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Part four ... first year away from Home .
So with this not so nice episode , things are back to normal . In a way actually , this in fact made us even closer to one another . It goes to show , one can always turn a negative situation into a positive one . But this only happens of course , when stuff don't hit the Ceiling to hard . I think , in any Relationship/ Marriage .. it is actually good to have misunder-standings and somewhat difficult times sometimes to deal with . This can really improve / strengthen a Marriage , if it's approached calmly and not with an blown out Attitude .
Now , after more Driving practise for about 2-3 Weeks time .. I thought .. let's have another try at it . After checking the Weather report for the upcoming Week , it was all go . Everything look just fine , Qing was less nervous this time ( including myself ) and ready to do it right this time around . I saw them leaving again and it was not til after 15-20 minutes , til I saw them return . Qing had a smile on her face , that I could see from a distance . This made me think that she'd had passed . As I waited for the Examiner to leave the Car , which I thought .. took kind of long . This got me worried again and I went over to take a look . Qing was still smiling , but not for long .. as the result was handed out .
Failed again !!! Qing could not believe her Ears , as she had done everything well .. yes including Parking .
The part she failed , what we later ( I wanted to see exactly where she had that trouble ) investigated to see if this was really warranted by the Examiner .
I could not believe it , where she had failed .. sure looked like a certain " Setup " by the DMV . In other words , a scam for failure and a needed additional Test .. which cost money of course . I did my own Stake-out so to speak , to see if other's would fall into the same Trap . This would not happen that same day , as Qing's Test was the last one for the day . But , we both went there for about 2 weeks ( almost everyday ) to see if this " Planted Car " that looked like an Abandoned Car .. dirty - broken Mirror's ect . .. but up to date Registration and not even close to any House or Business . A Car like this would have been Towed away after three days sitting there anywhere else . This conformed my thinking , but how do I prove this ? To add to the Invest. , I even went back to the DMV and observed People coming back after their Test . I swear , four out of five failed .. as I could see it in their Faces .
Another way , we get ripped off by the Government for extra Money .. especially in these bad times . I wanted to bring this out into the open sooo bad and take it to the News People . But , there was no way I could really make a Case against them . Arrrrgh .... !
This is why I hear so often from Friends lately , they passed their Driving Test the 3rd. time . Doesn't this tell you something whats going on ? The very reason , I could have Bet money .. that Qing was to pass it the next time . Ta..da .. of course she did . Now it's been four months and she still hasn't got her License yet !
It scares me , every time I think .. the Gov. is working / moving too fast for the average Folk .
Anyway , this completes my LaoPo's first Hurtle and is a good feeling .. that she's able to get out of the House while I'm at Work . Including Shopping , which is something I definitely don't have to worry about .. her $$$over$$$ spending . I have a good Woman !!!
Next on the list , is finding a Job .
to continue ...
Now , after more Driving practise for about 2-3 Weeks time .. I thought .. let's have another try at it . After checking the Weather report for the upcoming Week , it was all go . Everything look just fine , Qing was less nervous this time ( including myself ) and ready to do it right this time around . I saw them leaving again and it was not til after 15-20 minutes , til I saw them return . Qing had a smile on her face , that I could see from a distance . This made me think that she'd had passed . As I waited for the Examiner to leave the Car , which I thought .. took kind of long . This got me worried again and I went over to take a look . Qing was still smiling , but not for long .. as the result was handed out .
Failed again !!! Qing could not believe her Ears , as she had done everything well .. yes including Parking .
The part she failed , what we later ( I wanted to see exactly where she had that trouble ) investigated to see if this was really warranted by the Examiner .
I could not believe it , where she had failed .. sure looked like a certain " Setup " by the DMV . In other words , a scam for failure and a needed additional Test .. which cost money of course . I did my own Stake-out so to speak , to see if other's would fall into the same Trap . This would not happen that same day , as Qing's Test was the last one for the day . But , we both went there for about 2 weeks ( almost everyday ) to see if this " Planted Car " that looked like an Abandoned Car .. dirty - broken Mirror's ect . .. but up to date Registration and not even close to any House or Business . A Car like this would have been Towed away after three days sitting there anywhere else . This conformed my thinking , but how do I prove this ? To add to the Invest. , I even went back to the DMV and observed People coming back after their Test . I swear , four out of five failed .. as I could see it in their Faces .
Another way , we get ripped off by the Government for extra Money .. especially in these bad times . I wanted to bring this out into the open sooo bad and take it to the News People . But , there was no way I could really make a Case against them . Arrrrgh .... !
This is why I hear so often from Friends lately , they passed their Driving Test the 3rd. time . Doesn't this tell you something whats going on ? The very reason , I could have Bet money .. that Qing was to pass it the next time . Ta..da .. of course she did . Now it's been four months and she still hasn't got her License yet !
It scares me , every time I think .. the Gov. is working / moving too fast for the average Folk .
Anyway , this completes my LaoPo's first Hurtle and is a good feeling .. that she's able to get out of the House while I'm at Work . Including Shopping , which is something I definitely don't have to worry about .. her $$$over$$$ spending . I have a good Woman !!!
Next on the list , is finding a Job .
to continue ...
Friday, November 26, 2010
To add something to my last Post .
After my LaoPo read the last Post ( part three ) with me , we came to a interesting Subject .
Qing was very surprised of me writing this for many People to see . What did she mean by that ? Well , for those that know some of the Chinese Culture .. may very well know this to be True . It is a subject that I and many of my Friends that are with a Chinese Fiance/Wife know about . It's saving " FACE " !
What surprised Qing was just that , like she said .. a Chinese Man would have never done this ( to Apologize ) and much less where other's can see/read it . He would have lost Face , not only his own .. but to his Friends and Family alike . I can understand this part , a Chinese Man would never ... !
As for myself now , being a western Man .. it is and may I say .. really is the opposite . I feel , when I did something wrong .. I'm not ashamed to say it .. to show it .. and you know what ? It makes me feel even greater of a Person than before . I'm not going to Hide something when I know I'm at fault and my Sweetheart gets the bad end of that .
So , I thought I throw this in while I'm thinking about it . After all , I'm NOT the Bossy Kind towards my LaoPo .. even though I'm being treated like a King in our Home . She is after all my better "HALF" not my better 40% !
Qing was very surprised of me writing this for many People to see . What did she mean by that ? Well , for those that know some of the Chinese Culture .. may very well know this to be True . It is a subject that I and many of my Friends that are with a Chinese Fiance/Wife know about . It's saving " FACE " !
What surprised Qing was just that , like she said .. a Chinese Man would have never done this ( to Apologize ) and much less where other's can see/read it . He would have lost Face , not only his own .. but to his Friends and Family alike . I can understand this part , a Chinese Man would never ... !
As for myself now , being a western Man .. it is and may I say .. really is the opposite . I feel , when I did something wrong .. I'm not ashamed to say it .. to show it .. and you know what ? It makes me feel even greater of a Person than before . I'm not going to Hide something when I know I'm at fault and my Sweetheart gets the bad end of that .
So , I thought I throw this in while I'm thinking about it . After all , I'm NOT the Bossy Kind towards my LaoPo .. even though I'm being treated like a King in our Home . She is after all my better "HALF" not my better 40% !
Part three .. first year away from Home .
First off , I think that I made it sound more serious then I wanted to ... by saying that about Bad Blood between us . What it really was , is that it actually was the very first time .. we .. no I was mad . In a bad mood and I let Qing know it in a not so nice way . That I later the next Day had to apologize for my behaviour .
Anyway , as our supposedly Romantic Trip was canceled ..due to Qing's not passing her Test . This was not yet the main problem of myself , acting the way I did .. which was brought on by .. me making Reservations in Las Vegas instead and it also was turned down by Qing . She really was in no mood to go " Anywhere " . This is what in fact got me in such a down mood myself that very night , that it created our truly first negative feelings between the two of us . To not face Qing in the Mood , I sat in front of the Computer .. can't remember what I really was checking or doing ) til almost 2:00 am and I had to go to Work the next day . Qing after lying in Bed and waiting for me , came to see when I would be coming to Bed . I did not give a very nice answer to that question . This is my quote : I'm not , I'm staying up all night ( didn't even eat Dinner that day either ) I'm busy here . Of course she could see my not so happy Face . She kept bugging me to come to Bed , that I needed sleep . I finally gave in to her Plea , at about 3:30 am . I came to Bed and I remember , I didn't even say one word and also no good night Kiss . Just turned to my side and went to sleep . Waking up and ready to go to Work ( half asleep ) , I do remember giving Qing a goodbye kiss . But with the same ole un-happy Face and mad feelings still inside me .
Driving to Work and hours later .. it started to tear me up inside .. of what I have done to my poor LaoPo . I had to call her and apologize of behaving like an Heel . Most of all , making her feel .. like it was all her fault . I mean , how could I blame her for feeling the way she did ? It was a big thing for her to fail that Driving Test and .. here all I could be thinking of .. was our Trip to go somewhere to celebrate . When in Fact , there was nothing at the moment to do so . All this time , I only really felt sorry for myself . It has taught me a good lesson now , NOT/NEVER to let this happen again at any cost . Feelings are a sensitive thing and one must not only think of their own sometimes and think of your loved one before you go into such a Stage to come up with hurting your Relationship more then you know .. being Blind thinking only of yourself .
Great lesson learned by all means , like it has been said so many times over .. " Don't go to Bed mad at each other " it will solve nothing and no one will come out a winner .
to be continued ...
Anyway , as our supposedly Romantic Trip was canceled ..due to Qing's not passing her Test . This was not yet the main problem of myself , acting the way I did .. which was brought on by .. me making Reservations in Las Vegas instead and it also was turned down by Qing . She really was in no mood to go " Anywhere " . This is what in fact got me in such a down mood myself that very night , that it created our truly first negative feelings between the two of us . To not face Qing in the Mood , I sat in front of the Computer .. can't remember what I really was checking or doing ) til almost 2:00 am and I had to go to Work the next day . Qing after lying in Bed and waiting for me , came to see when I would be coming to Bed . I did not give a very nice answer to that question . This is my quote : I'm not , I'm staying up all night ( didn't even eat Dinner that day either ) I'm busy here . Of course she could see my not so happy Face . She kept bugging me to come to Bed , that I needed sleep . I finally gave in to her Plea , at about 3:30 am . I came to Bed and I remember , I didn't even say one word and also no good night Kiss . Just turned to my side and went to sleep . Waking up and ready to go to Work ( half asleep ) , I do remember giving Qing a goodbye kiss . But with the same ole un-happy Face and mad feelings still inside me .
Driving to Work and hours later .. it started to tear me up inside .. of what I have done to my poor LaoPo . I had to call her and apologize of behaving like an Heel . Most of all , making her feel .. like it was all her fault . I mean , how could I blame her for feeling the way she did ? It was a big thing for her to fail that Driving Test and .. here all I could be thinking of .. was our Trip to go somewhere to celebrate . When in Fact , there was nothing at the moment to do so . All this time , I only really felt sorry for myself . It has taught me a good lesson now , NOT/NEVER to let this happen again at any cost . Feelings are a sensitive thing and one must not only think of their own sometimes and think of your loved one before you go into such a Stage to come up with hurting your Relationship more then you know .. being Blind thinking only of yourself .
Great lesson learned by all means , like it has been said so many times over .. " Don't go to Bed mad at each other " it will solve nothing and no one will come out a winner .
to be continued ...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Part two ... first year away from Home .
So after the New Year , it was time for Qing to start learning how to Drive a Car . Something she has never done or let's say really needed to do , as the Public Transportation is very good in Shanghai . Sorry that I can not say
that about our own here in California . Having no Car , just about leaves you stranded .. as nothing really is close .. including Food Shopping . One good thing that Qing actually never operated an Car is , she does not have any bad habit's that she brought over with her from China . So , W
e/I could start from a clean Plate .. so to speak . First thing that was needed , was getting her a Booklet from the DMV to study for the " Written " Test and get this out of the way . I gave her an English Copy , I had picked up at the DMV .. not knowing that these also come in Mandarin . Living in Southern Calif . , I figured .. Spanish , French but never Chinese . They actually have many Languages ( more than twenty ) available to study from . After weeks of hard work studying the English version ( which was difficult for my LaoPo ) , we got hold of an Chinese Version from my Aunt .A friend at a Chinese Buffet Restaurant also gave Qing all four different Test question's and answer sheet's that he and some of his friends went through . This made things so much easier , chinese Booklet and to know what answers would be ask of her . This was proven to be correct , as Qing passed the " Written " Test with a perfect score of 100 . All this in just about 9 to 10 minutes , which I recall were 36 questions and one could have 6 wrong and still pass . The Lady checking her answers , was somewhat shocked to see what she saw .. in such a short time and all right .
I of course was very proud of Qing , after all .. she did NOT cheat .. only had some advantage over other's .
Next , to make an Appointment for the " Driving " Test . This had given us about somewhat more than two month's of the Driving Practise that was to come . First it was only around the Neighborhood and onto no major Road with Speed Limit's over 35 mph . I really wanted Qing to be real comfortable and know all the in and outs of safe driving ( turns , parking , u-turns and at the same time pay attention to all the Road sign's too . At the start , I could see that she was very tense/nervous and it even started to give her Headaches from it . This went on , until " I " felt relaxed and did not have to repeat or warn her of things not to do . Now , I thought .. she's ready for some more Speed other than 35 or less . Doing this , of course called for faster thinking and quicker reactions to everything she's learned so far . It was almost like starting all over , with the exception .. it took only a few day's before she would handle this also comfortably and in a safe manner . One day , driving at dusk .. I thought .. it's time to take her on to the Freeway for a short Run . As I knew , traffic was going to be light and not frighten her out of the Car or " Me " to jump out . Again , the tense look overtook her Face .. after I told her .. we're on the Freeway . She did not realize this until it was too late of course . I was kind of mean to do this , without telling her first of my intention to take her there . Well , we all survived with no scratches or dent's to the Car . A few more weeks of this fast pace and I thought .. she is ready for her Test now . Time to make this Appointment and pick a day , that I would have to take off Work . I think , that on that day .. I was more nervous then she was . Here we finally are , all ready in the Driving Test lane and waiting for the Examiner . One thing , we did not count on .. was the Weather for that day . At earlier practise's , I found out .. Qing hates the Windshield Wiper's . This makes her sooo nervous , that we stopped practising whenever it would start to Rain . So , what happens to poor Qing on Test Day ? Yes , the only dark Cloud around .. had to be over the DMV Building and the Test Area of course . I tell you , as soon the Examiner got into the Car .. it started to Rain . I only could think to myself , oh oh .. not good ! Well , her Test Drive lasted no more then .. about 4 minutes as she freaked out and made a mistake on the first Corner of her Test and failed it right there .. that there was no need to continue it . I did not have to be told of what had happened , I knew and we both just about started to Cry along with the darn Rain that stopped only twenty minutes later . Somebody up there , did not want her to pass the Test today ! I know , God had a reason for that and I was not going to argue this in any way . Maybe it was to protect my Sweetheart from Harm , tell her .. you need more Practise . We both could live with this and even though it was hard on Qing , we went back to work to do it for a second time later . This time , before we make an Appointment , we check with the Weather Report first . This will not get in our way again . This Ordeal , had cost us a Trip to beautiful Carmel/ Monterey for our Anniversary that I had to cancel because Qing was in NO mood to go and have Fun in any way . I can totally understand " Now " . I say that , because .. this calling off our " Romantic " Trip , had cost our first bad Blood in our Relationship .
This I will write about on the next Part 3 of this continuous Story .
I of course was very proud of Qing , after all .. she did NOT cheat .. only had some advantage over other's .
Next , to make an Appointment for the " Driving " Test . This had given us about somewhat more than two month's of the Driving Practise that was to come . First it was only around the Neighborhood and onto no major Road with Speed Limit's over 35 mph . I really wanted Qing to be real comfortable and know all the in and outs of safe driving ( turns , parking , u-turns and at the same time pay attention to all the Road sign's too . At the start , I could see that she was very tense/nervous and it even started to give her Headaches from it . This went on , until " I " felt relaxed and did not have to repeat or warn her of things not to do . Now , I thought .. she's ready for some more Speed other than 35 or less . Doing this , of course called for faster thinking and quicker reactions to everything she's learned so far . It was almost like starting all over , with the exception .. it took only a few day's before she would handle this also comfortably and in a safe manner . One day , driving at dusk .. I thought .. it's time to take her on to the Freeway for a short Run . As I knew , traffic was going to be light and not frighten her out of the Car or " Me " to jump out . Again , the tense look overtook her Face .. after I told her .. we're on the Freeway . She did not realize this until it was too late of course . I was kind of mean to do this , without telling her first of my intention to take her there . Well , we all survived with no scratches or dent's to the Car . A few more weeks of this fast pace and I thought .. she is ready for her Test now . Time to make this Appointment and pick a day , that I would have to take off Work . I think , that on that day .. I was more nervous then she was . Here we finally are , all ready in the Driving Test lane and waiting for the Examiner . One thing , we did not count on .. was the Weather for that day . At earlier practise's , I found out .. Qing hates the Windshield Wiper's . This makes her sooo nervous , that we stopped practising whenever it would start to Rain . So , what happens to poor Qing on Test Day ? Yes , the only dark Cloud around .. had to be over the DMV Building and the Test Area of course . I tell you , as soon the Examiner got into the Car .. it started to Rain . I only could think to myself , oh oh .. not good ! Well , her Test Drive lasted no more then .. about 4 minutes as she freaked out and made a mistake on the first Corner of her Test and failed it right there .. that there was no need to continue it . I did not have to be told of what had happened , I knew and we both just about started to Cry along with the darn Rain that stopped only twenty minutes later . Somebody up there , did not want her to pass the Test today ! I know , God had a reason for that and I was not going to argue this in any way . Maybe it was to protect my Sweetheart from Harm , tell her .. you need more Practise . We both could live with this and even though it was hard on Qing , we went back to work to do it for a second time later . This time , before we make an Appointment , we check with the Weather Report first . This will not get in our way again . This Ordeal , had cost us a Trip to beautiful Carmel/ Monterey for our Anniversary that I had to cancel because Qing was in NO mood to go and have Fun in any way . I can totally understand " Now " . I say that , because .. this calling off our " Romantic " Trip , had cost our first bad Blood in our Relationship .
This I will write about on the next Part 3 of this continuous Story .
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The first year away from Home ( Shanghai ) .
Sometimes one wonders really , where has the Time gone . We both can hardly believe it's been one year already . Anyway , I try to go back and see what all happened in that time away from Qing's birthplace Shanghai , China of course .
As the ones that keep updated on my Blog , know Qing arrived with China Eastern and also arrived about 35 minutes ear
lier then planned . Which was a whole story by itself , but I will not go into details on that exciting arrival . After a good three hour wait to finally see her coming out from the Custom area , it was like .. we really have made it . We are finally together after being married for a year and a half . I still have this moment in time inside me and just thinking of it .. will warm my Heart all over again . 
So after a lengthy greeting , it was off to have a nice welcoming Luncheon for Qing . Now , it was not going to be Chinese Food .. but actually Mexican Food . That was of course Qing's first taste , of something she will have many times over .. especially in Southern California . Remembering , she had Fish Taco's ( loved them ) Rice ( does not like Mex. Rice ) and of course the famous Re-fried Beans ( loved them also ) . Two Hours were spend talking and eating , as not only I was excited .. but my Aunt and Uncle ( that joined us in Shanghai for the Ceremony ) and one of my Cousins also . It was time to say goodbye to everyone and Qing and I were on our way to Palmdale to show her new Home . This was about 40 miles away from the Restaurant , so I could read on her Face .. how much further and how long before .... ? This drive takes about 45 minutes , the first time for somebody .. it always seems longer of course . We finally arrived at the House about 5:30 pm if I remember well . I drove into the Garage , but not let Qing go into the House through that particular Door ( which leads to the Washroom ) . This is not one of the first things I wanted Qing to see , where she'll be doing the Washing . haha
I ask her to come with me and told her .. that I was going to carry her over the Front Door Threshold .. for good luck I told her . Oh , I'm a lucky Man .. when it came to doing this part .. as Qing only weights 125 lb. . At my Age , I still can handle this with no problem .
Showing her the House inside and outside , I think she was very pleased of her new Home with the " Bee " .
The following Day was just a relaxing day at Home more or less , she needed Rest and adjust to the time change and call her Parent's of her safe arrival .
I had taken a week off work , to be with her and show her around Town , do some visiting with Neighbor's and some of the Family of mine . All this was at my Sweetheart's speed , as I have said .. don't want to rush her into anything . Especially being in a Strange Country , with just about everything done differently .
This , the first couple of months , went much to my surprise .. pretty event less and not a single problem . Not even any sign of being Homesick , except missing her Folks and her little Boy . I took care of this in the first two weeks , downloaded Skype and set up the Webcam . Qing did the Keyboard switch-over , so she can write and read in Mandarin to her liking .. whenever she needs to have it . It is also a great tool for me , to practise my Character's and Pinyin at the same time .
To sum up the first two -three month's , she has adopted really well and could also experience along the way .. her first Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday's .. the good ole American way . Including on New Years day , taking her to see the Floats from the World Famous " Rose Parade " in Pasadena . I think , she's never seen so many Flower's in one Place . All the Crowd , nahh well .. she's used to seeing that back Home .. a City with almost 20 million People .
This will continue of course ... with part two .
As the ones that keep updated on my Blog , know Qing arrived with China Eastern and also arrived about 35 minutes ear
So after a lengthy greeting , it was off to have a nice welcoming Luncheon for Qing . Now , it was not going to be Chinese Food .. but actually Mexican Food . That was of course Qing's first taste , of something she will have many times over .. especially in Southern California . Remembering , she had Fish Taco's ( loved them ) Rice ( does not like Mex. Rice ) and of course the famous Re-fried Beans ( loved them also ) . Two Hours were spend talking and eating , as not only I was excited .. but my Aunt and Uncle ( that joined us in Shanghai for the Ceremony ) and one of my Cousins also . It was time to say goodbye to everyone and Qing and I were on our way to Palmdale to show her new Home . This was about 40 miles away from the Restaurant , so I could read on her Face .. how much further and how long before .... ? This drive takes about 45 minutes , the first time for somebody .. it always seems longer of course . We finally arrived at the House about 5:30 pm if I remember well . I drove into the Garage , but not let Qing go into the House through that particular Door ( which leads to the Washroom ) . This is not one of the first things I wanted Qing to see , where she'll be doing the Washing . haha
I ask her to come with me and told her .. that I was going to carry her over the Front Door Threshold .. for good luck I told her . Oh , I'm a lucky Man .. when it came to doing this part .. as Qing only weights 125 lb. . At my Age , I still can handle this with no problem .
Showing her the House inside and outside , I think she was very pleased of her new Home with the " Bee " .
The following Day was just a relaxing day at Home more or less , she needed Rest and adjust to the time change and call her Parent's of her safe arrival .
I had taken a week off work , to be with her and show her around Town , do some visiting with Neighbor's and some of the Family of mine . All this was at my Sweetheart's speed , as I have said .. don't want to rush her into anything . Especially being in a Strange Country , with just about everything done differently .
This , the first couple of months , went much to my surprise .. pretty event less and not a single problem . Not even any sign of being Homesick , except missing her Folks and her little Boy . I took care of this in the first two weeks , downloaded Skype and set up the Webcam . Qing did the Keyboard switch-over , so she can write and read in Mandarin to her liking .. whenever she needs to have it . It is also a great tool for me , to practise my Character's and Pinyin at the same time .
To sum up the first two -three month's , she has adopted really well and could also experience along the way .. her first Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday's .. the good ole American way . Including on New Years day , taking her to see the Floats from the World Famous " Rose Parade " in Pasadena . I think , she's never seen so many Flower's in one Place . All the Crowd , nahh well .. she's used to seeing that back Home .. a City with almost 20 million People .
This will continue of course ... with part two .
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Next Post , will be a review of one year in America for Qing .
Yes , it has been one year tomorrow the 21st of November .. that Qing is with me here in the States . I will turn the Clock back and try to remember what all Qing's ... Achievement's - Disappointment's - How She adjusted to the Western ways of Living ... and give an accurate account of it as best as I can .
Friday, November 19, 2010
Like to continue on the last Subject .
" The Honeymoon Saga "
Every Couple getting Married or are close to do so , know about it . Making plans of going to their so called Honeymoon . What exactly is a Honeymoon ? As we know so far , it comes right after a Wedding and it usually starts a day or two after saying the " Yes " word .
Now , we know it has a " Start Date " and it is starting out in a chosen Place .. that is often a very Romantic/Scenic setting . Why this , sounds more like a Vacation .. then anything else . I guess , being only Married for a short time , this is somewhat different from the other normal Vacations . Yes , what's different .. is one spends more time in Bed together . To boot , in someone else's Bed . Why not just stay Home and in your own Bed then ? Go figure ? Why now , choose a beautiful Place and stay mostly in Bed anyway ? Makes little Sense , if you ask me !
Point One : So we have a Start Date . Do we also have a Stop Date ?
This is a lot more difficult question to answer . At what point is it " Over " or you think it is ?
The easiest answer is of course , well .. it is over when the Love-Making slows down and not so much time is spend in the Bedroom anymore . Right ? Like til Noon or the Afternoon . That answer will now show us , that the " Honeymoon " is only a Physical thing .. really . This is how most People feel , when they ask such a question as .. " Is the Honeymoon over " ? Again , this will show .. these People want to know something as Personal as .. is the Love-Making / Sex over ?
Why do strange People feel , they can even ask someone such a personal question ? They must have a " Right " to , because .. I never see any Couple get all upset .. being ask a question this Intimate .
Point two : Is it really over , when the Physical part of the Relationship / Honeymoon is less or does it go beyond this ?
From my own experience , Qing and I are Married now some 2 and 1/2 years .. I can say ( Qing too ) , for us it is not over by no means . Do we see an End coming ? This question I also answer with a " No " . Do I know / realize when it will be over or close to it ? I must repeat with the same answer again .. " No " .
Therefore , we can honestly say a Honeymoon is over when a Couple says it's over or there is some kind of trouble in the Marriage that puts it to a " Halt " . Living like it's never going to end , is of course what every Man/Woman on Earth are looking for .. just Plain and Simple .. Be loved " ALL " the time .. Period !
Point three : It does not " Ever " need to be over !
Every Couple getting Married or are close to do so , know about it . Making plans of going to their so called Honeymoon . What exactly is a Honeymoon ? As we know so far , it comes right after a Wedding and it usually starts a day or two after saying the " Yes " word .
Now , we know it has a " Start Date " and it is starting out in a chosen Place .. that is often a very Romantic/Scenic setting . Why this , sounds more like a Vacation .. then anything else . I guess , being only Married for a short time , this is somewhat different from the other normal Vacations . Yes , what's different .. is one spends more time in Bed together . To boot , in someone else's Bed . Why not just stay Home and in your own Bed then ? Go figure ? Why now , choose a beautiful Place and stay mostly in Bed anyway ? Makes little Sense , if you ask me !
Point One : So we have a Start Date . Do we also have a Stop Date ?
This is a lot more difficult question to answer . At what point is it " Over " or you think it is ?
The easiest answer is of course , well .. it is over when the Love-Making slows down and not so much time is spend in the Bedroom anymore . Right ? Like til Noon or the Afternoon . That answer will now show us , that the " Honeymoon " is only a Physical thing .. really . This is how most People feel , when they ask such a question as .. " Is the Honeymoon over " ? Again , this will show .. these People want to know something as Personal as .. is the Love-Making / Sex over ?
Why do strange People feel , they can even ask someone such a personal question ? They must have a " Right " to , because .. I never see any Couple get all upset .. being ask a question this Intimate .
Point two : Is it really over , when the Physical part of the Relationship / Honeymoon is less or does it go beyond this ?
From my own experience , Qing and I are Married now some 2 and 1/2 years .. I can say ( Qing too ) , for us it is not over by no means . Do we see an End coming ? This question I also answer with a " No " . Do I know / realize when it will be over or close to it ? I must repeat with the same answer again .. " No " .
Therefore , we can honestly say a Honeymoon is over when a Couple says it's over or there is some kind of trouble in the Marriage that puts it to a " Halt " . Living like it's never going to end , is of course what every Man/Woman on Earth are looking for .. just Plain and Simple .. Be loved " ALL " the time .. Period !
Point three : It does not " Ever " need to be over !
Monday, November 15, 2010
Is the Honeymoon over ?
Oh .. do I get ask this question a lot .
At this point , being married 2 and 1/2 year's to the most wonderful Woman .. I could have ever wished for at this stage of my Life . So , often we sit and eat or after Dinner and just talk about anything that really comes to Mind at that time . Like , am I still being Romantic of a Fellow as .. say a year or two ago ?
You all know , that I have written about 15 or 16 Poem's for my LaoPo over the time I've known her . Actually , it's me asking this question myself in front of Qing too . I have noticed the last few months , I have thought about writing another Poem .. but I seem to have lost whatever I possessed at one time . Coming up with a Title and a strong message of my Love to follow . It is just not working anymore and I have no idea , why not .
It doesn't bother Qing really , as she assured me of her Love no matter what . That's of course great to hear , but it does still leave something missing inside of me . Realize , I should not think of it too much or try too hard .. because then .. it really will never come again .
There are many other ways to show your better half your Love on a daily bases , need to learn to pay more attention that way and see what happens . This Woman deserves the best from me and everybody else , if I can help it .
Last , to answer the Title above ... NO it is NOT over just yet .
At this point , being married 2 and 1/2 year's to the most wonderful Woman .. I could have ever wished for at this stage of my Life . So , often we sit and eat or after Dinner and just talk about anything that really comes to Mind at that time . Like , am I still being Romantic of a Fellow as .. say a year or two ago ?
You all know , that I have written about 15 or 16 Poem's for my LaoPo over the time I've known her . Actually , it's me asking this question myself in front of Qing too . I have noticed the last few months , I have thought about writing another Poem .. but I seem to have lost whatever I possessed at one time . Coming up with a Title and a strong message of my Love to follow . It is just not working anymore and I have no idea , why not .
It doesn't bother Qing really , as she assured me of her Love no matter what . That's of course great to hear , but it does still leave something missing inside of me . Realize , I should not think of it too much or try too hard .. because then .. it really will never come again .
There are many other ways to show your better half your Love on a daily bases , need to learn to pay more attention that way and see what happens . This Woman deserves the best from me and everybody else , if I can help it .
Last , to answer the Title above ... NO it is NOT over just yet .
Friday, November 12, 2010
These are hard times .. for sure .
As the Economy wasn't enough of a problem here in California , but looking and finding a Job ( part or full Time ) is just about .. as frustrating as it can be . Over the year Qing is here with me , I've seen her wanting to get out and distribute to the Household . It's of course not so much the Income , which would help of course , but it's eating at her being always at Home . It reminds me , like being retired and having NO hobby of any kind . One can only take soo much free time , before it gets boring real fast . Hence she is not too much for watching the Tube ( TV ) , it is even harder on her .
Having for the last few months been looking in the Newspaper / Computer , signing in with many Job Agencies , sending out one Resume after another . Filling out questionnaire's over and over ( 50 -60 questions ) and all seems to fall on a silent Ear . Except , the two Interviews she actually had out of all this .. was JC Penney's and Panta Express just a few day's ago . But she has to wait with the answer ( no answer ) , we'll call you if we like to try and hire you . So it's the waiting Game all over again , but this time it's only my Sweetheart on the waiting list . It really hurts me , but what is one to do ? What really tick's me off , is .. that the Schooling in China/Japan does not count here in the US . So a 40+ year old Woman/Man must start over , when the Schooling you've received in the US counts elsewhere . Nice ONEWAY street in the US's favour of course . I'm really getting sick and tired of the States thinking their S*** don't stink and other's does . Sorry , but it does effect me quite a bit .
I don't want to get Political here on my Blog , but I really wish China would have the Balls and tell the US .. well your Schooling doesn't count here with us anymore either . Like the US Schools are Sooooo great .. haha , don't make me laugh !
Having for the last few months been looking in the Newspaper / Computer , signing in with many Job Agencies , sending out one Resume after another . Filling out questionnaire's over and over ( 50 -60 questions ) and all seems to fall on a silent Ear . Except , the two Interviews she actually had out of all this .. was JC Penney's and Panta Express just a few day's ago . But she has to wait with the answer ( no answer ) , we'll call you if we like to try and hire you . So it's the waiting Game all over again , but this time it's only my Sweetheart on the waiting list . It really hurts me , but what is one to do ? What really tick's me off , is .. that the Schooling in China/Japan does not count here in the US . So a 40+ year old Woman/Man must start over , when the Schooling you've received in the US counts elsewhere . Nice ONEWAY street in the US's favour of course . I'm really getting sick and tired of the States thinking their S*** don't stink and other's does . Sorry , but it does effect me quite a bit .
I don't want to get Political here on my Blog , but I really wish China would have the Balls and tell the US .. well your Schooling doesn't count here with us anymore either . Like the US Schools are Sooooo great .. haha , don't make me laugh !
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Something came over Me .
Sometimes it is strange how thoughts enter your Head . As I was done eating my Dinner , that Qing had cooked for me before she took off to her Night School . I was cleaning up the Dishes left behind and thought .. why not put on some Music . It has taken no more than five minutes , when Chris Botti came on my CD player .. which was shuffling Songs from some dozen CD's . The Song that all of a sudden overtook me , to almost Tears .. was " No Ordinary Love " . If you know Him , it was Trumpet ( Instrumental ) only . This of course made me think not only of Qing , but also about Nancy .. after all .. it is She who had bought this CD .
How one Song can grab you no matter where your at or what you're doing , is amazing . I understand , I often praise Qing and mention many times how great She is and all . But , I just can not help it .. knowing what I had and what I have now . I show of course all my Love for Her in countless ways , but I also put it into Words . Which in turn , Qing receives ALL my unconditional Love from my Heart / Soul and from my Character that is .. as it is known on the Romantic side as well . Am I lucky ? I ask myself this question often , but it is one only I can answer . Or is it because the way I am , as a Person ? I feel , it's both actually . Yes both , whom do I thank for that though ? Of course my " Better Half / Half's " ! Don't I owe them for what I have become ? Again , yes I do !
That makes a lot to be thankful for , hence Qing is my LaoPo and the best Wife a Man could dream for .. She will receive my Love that is strong for two Person's all for Herself . haha
Mmmmh .. that raises the question is Qing Lucky to have Me ?
I certainly hope so !
All this is having an affect on me more so , due to it being short of two weeks of one year .. my LaoPo is here with me .
For this I must not forget one Person that got us together ? GOD all mighty !
How one Song can grab you no matter where your at or what you're doing , is amazing . I understand , I often praise Qing and mention many times how great She is and all . But , I just can not help it .. knowing what I had and what I have now . I show of course all my Love for Her in countless ways , but I also put it into Words . Which in turn , Qing receives ALL my unconditional Love from my Heart / Soul and from my Character that is .. as it is known on the Romantic side as well . Am I lucky ? I ask myself this question often , but it is one only I can answer . Or is it because the way I am , as a Person ? I feel , it's both actually . Yes both , whom do I thank for that though ? Of course my " Better Half / Half's " ! Don't I owe them for what I have become ? Again , yes I do !
That makes a lot to be thankful for , hence Qing is my LaoPo and the best Wife a Man could dream for .. She will receive my Love that is strong for two Person's all for Herself . haha
Mmmmh .. that raises the question is Qing Lucky to have Me ?
I certainly hope so !
All this is having an affect on me more so , due to it being short of two weeks of one year .. my LaoPo is here with me .
For this I must not forget one Person that got us together ? GOD all mighty !
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
So one more is over with .
One more Halloween goes by and now it seems the year is almost over . But for Qing and Myself , this really doesn't matter much .. as each day is very special for us anyway . Ohhh yes .. still on Honeymoon !



Anyhow , on Saturday .. as the Sun was setting and I had told Qing .. she would be the one answering the Door tonight for the Tricker / Treater's asking for Mone.. I mean Candy of course . I have thought , that I was prepared for all the Kids arriving between 6:00pm and 8:30pm . As the last year was not exactly a Barn-Storming Event , it turns out .. we lasted just one hour on the Candy we purchased .
Qing must of worked off some Calories , as soon she closed the Door and turned her back .. the Doorbell rang again .I could see though , she enjoyed it very much .. seeing all these Kids dressed up in Costume's . So it was a short night and sadly to say NO Candy for me left over .
But , what I want to write also today .. is the Night before Halloween .
I was planning to take Qing on the Metrolink Train to Downtown LA and back Home . Actually , I have never been on any Public Transportation here in the US either .. except Planes . Spend a few Hours Downtown and Eat Dinner before returning . But , I forget one minor thing . I had agreed to our Neighbors , to go with them to a Party to one of our Friends ( Latino's ) . That of course meant .. Eating / Drinking / Dancing most of the night . Of course this is what happened , exactly in this order . haha
Anybody familiar with this , knows .. we were in for a great time . I will post a few Photo's of the night . Anyway , as the Host .. had about the best selection of Music I have ever seen , I don't need to tell anyone the night was to be a long one and getting crazier and crazier as time went by . Just think , a Handful of Guy's and about a dozen Lady's ( Married/Single ) is going to spell out .. something will happen down the line .
One might know , Latin Dances are very Sexy . Well , we seem to push the issue somewhat more there . Some time after midnight , one of our close Friends Wife came and just grabbed me and pulled me to the Dance Floor . What happen next , even opened Qing's Eyes . This Lady , let's say .. I now know what they talking about Sexy Dances . I of course could not Blush anymore , as I was already red-faced from Drinking .
Two of the Couple's , had taken Dance Lessons .. so we received a few Tips .. we will definitely use the next time around .
We were all much tired out somewhat around 03:00 am , if I can recall correctly . We were still so wired up , we could not Sleep until 04:00 or even a little later then that .
Ohh .. how great it is , there are Sunday's after Saturday's and thanks God for that .



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