" The Honeymoon Saga "
Every Couple getting Married or are close to do so , know about it . Making plans of going to their so called Honeymoon . What exactly is a Honeymoon ? As we know so far , it comes right after a Wedding and it usually starts a day or two after saying the " Yes " word .
Now , we know it has a " Start Date " and it is starting out in a chosen Place .. that is often a very Romantic/Scenic setting . Why this , sounds more like a Vacation .. then anything else . I guess , being only Married for a short time , this is somewhat different from the other normal Vacations . Yes , what's different .. is one spends more time in Bed together . To boot , in someone else's Bed . Why not just stay Home and in your own Bed then ? Go figure ? Why now , choose a beautiful Place and stay mostly in Bed anyway ? Makes little Sense , if you ask me !
Point One : So we have a Start Date . Do we also have a Stop Date ?
This is a lot more difficult question to answer . At what point is it " Over " or you think it is ?
The easiest answer is of course , well .. it is over when the Love-Making slows down and not so much time is spend in the Bedroom anymore . Right ? Like til Noon or the Afternoon . That answer will now show us , that the " Honeymoon " is only a Physical thing .. really . This is how most People feel , when they ask such a question as .. " Is the Honeymoon over " ? Again , this will show .. these People want to know something as Personal as .. is the Love-Making / Sex over ?
Why do strange People feel , they can even ask someone such a personal question ? They must have a " Right " to , because .. I never see any Couple get all upset .. being ask a question this Intimate .
Point two : Is it really over , when the Physical part of the Relationship / Honeymoon is less or does it go beyond this ?
From my own experience , Qing and I are Married now some 2 and 1/2 years .. I can say ( Qing too ) , for us it is not over by no means . Do we see an End coming ? This question I also answer with a " No " . Do I know / realize when it will be over or close to it ? I must repeat with the same answer again .. " No " .
Therefore , we can honestly say a Honeymoon is over when a Couple says it's over or there is some kind of trouble in the Marriage that puts it to a " Halt " . Living like it's never going to end , is of course what every Man/Woman on Earth are looking for .. just Plain and Simple .. Be loved " ALL " the time .. Period !
Point three : It does not " Ever " need to be over !
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