Friday, December 10, 2010

Monday should be an interesting Day !

This coming Monday , will be a first for both Qing and Myself .
We are having Qing's Cousin , that is the last couple of weeks , traveling both Coast's for the Chinese Government . He's traveling with some other Guy's from China ( Shanghai ) for some Investment Deals here in the US .

This means , we get for the first time to Meet one of Qing's Family member here in California . This is of course very exciting for my LaoPo . So we make every effort to meet up on Monday . The only day he can meet us , so I need to take a day off my Work and Qing needs to do the same .. if she's scheduled for work that day . That we'll find out today .

He is going to have to tell both of us , about .. how he likes it here in America so far .. of what he has seen . Being an Important Government Employee and traveling in Style , I have a feeling that he is not really seeing the bad part of this Economy . We will invite him into our Home and see first hand how the average Guy lives and what it is like living in a " BIG " to them anyway .. House .. instead an Apartment that are so dominant in Shanghai .

As he was not born in Shanghai , his Shanghainese is limited .. so Qing will bring out her Mandarin and I will bring out my Chinglish and my Hospitality .


  1. That is exciting! I hope you are both able to get the day off from work.

  2. With me it is no problem , I just close Shop that day . Qing needs to ask , because she usually works on Monday's . I'll know by tonight .
