Thursday, December 9, 2010

Something new for next year .

I want hereby say Welcome to my Blog , to all my Face-book Friends and Follower's .
As one can see , my Blog goes back to March of 2009 .. when a Friend suggested I start one . This has helped me a great deal , to overcome the time .. waiting for my next Trip to see my LaoPo in Shanghai again . It also covers now how we both adjust ( being finally together ) to daily Life .
So again Welcome to my Blog and feel free to leave Comment's or join as a Follower , as both are Free .

If in the next year , one thinks I'm getting boring .. please let me know .. I value any Opinion .. to make this not only Fun but also Enjoyable and be of Help to some that might think of making that very same Journey some day in the Future .


  1. Your blog is never boring. I enjoy coming here.

  2. Oh .. common you can be honest !
    I don't want to be the only one thinking it's not up to Par .

  3. Keep writing, Arnold. And you too, Martin. I enjoy reading your adventures and experiences, so both of you keep up the good work!!!!

  4. So , I've been out-voted ( 2-1 )here . I'll keep writing as the Waves come into my Mind .

  5. The blogging world brings people together and shrinks the world for us to make new friends. So, keep writing!

  6. Welcome Keats , very true .. as long I don't put People to sleep with my Blog .. I'll continue . After all I love to look back onmy last couple of year's , they been quite exciting if you know what I mean ?
