Sunday, December 12, 2010

How things feel being reversed on you ?

Come to think , now when I'm at Home and my LaoPo is working .. it's quite a turn-around . For myself mostly I'd say . Working in the Back Yard most of the Morning and cleaning things up , for the Cousin's Visit . Which by the way , is going to happen on Tuesday instead . It looks , Schedules for those Gov. People is never carved in Stone . Anyway , this does not interfere with meeting him on that Day .

So , now that I have finished that work in the Back of the House and sitting on the Computer .. I started to think . Yes , thinking what my LaoPo went through .. being by herself all those day's/week's and even month's .. while I'm at work .

Here it is only a short time for me , not seeing my Sweetheart here when I'm Home . Strange it is indeed ! But , it reminds me of course how my poor Qing must of felt .. day in - day-out during the past year . This shows , that she is a very strong Person .. I mean .. she never ones complained about it or even give me the slightest hind that she was bored . Something that would come out of a Teenager's Mouth real fast , but Qing is an Adult and knows how to keep herself busy .

For myself , it's not so simple now . Before I was married to my LaoPo , I could have watch the Tube for Hours or work outside and keep busy myself . Now , I hardly watch an TV anymore ( one Hour at night ) , so it is a little harder on me . Especially , when I'm done with Yard work . I find myself looking to keep myself occupied .

Ahhh .. two minutes til 5:00pm and my LaoPo will be Home soon now . So I worry about this , some other time .
Her arriving at the front Door , is like the time she arrived here in LA .. very ..very .. Welcomed !

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