Saturday, May 9, 2009

Good thing , I left Home with a Smile !

As my last Post ended that I was going to wear my Smile today , well it's a good thing I did .
After leaving my Home , I was going to get my Car washed and go to the Market for some thing's for tomorrow's Lunch at my Mother in-law's house . I was to bring some Chip's and Salsa , but I decided to make Guacamole instead . Well , at the Car Wash , I was waiting in some shaded area for my Car to come out of the Tunnel of Brushes and Blower's , when I see my Car stop at the end and nobody pay's any attention and as I walk over there to check it out , some other Car ( SUV ) comes along and just pushes my Car out of this area with it's bumper which is chrome and my painted Fibreglass bumper . Well you know who won this duel . Scratches all over my poor Bumper of course . But I kept my cool , because that is what I went out of the house with , a Smile . Accident's do happen , but why to my Car , I thought ? After seeing the Manager , which by the way was very nice and offered immediate Repair of the damage . Which I thought , could of been worse , so I waited for a Bodyman that He knew , come and take a look and to make an Appointment for next Saturday to get it fixed and Painted . Since I had some scratches from other people's parking habit's already on one side of the Bumper , they agreed to Paint the whole Bumper at no cost to me , along with some free Car washes . I guess , I can live with this arrangement after all . It could have been worse , I kept telling myself , to stay positive through this . So really , I learned from this . Leaving the House in a good mood , can carry you through the day happier and I still got to do my Guacamole and my Dinner for tonight , with not much fuzz .

This story , does show two different character's in People . I was okay with the whole Idea to get my Car fixed and back to normal . BUT , the other Guy , who's Car hit mine , had a damaged Grill from it all and right away he told the Owner , that this Grill was just renewed not to long ago and cost me almost two hundred Dollar's . Well , after this statement , the Car-wash owner call the Dealer himself and found out the Grill goes for $ 69 plus Tax . So , this is one Lie . Number two Lie followed . by him claiming his Chrome Bumper also was damaged from the impact , which of course was to high up , for my Car to have done this . After moving the two Car's close to each other and checking the height , two things made this impossible . 1st : my Bumper is Fibre glass and his is Chrome and Metal , 2nd : the height did not match . Anyway , how can a Fibre glass bumper make a dent into a Metal bumper ? He was lying to gain Money from the Accident . I don't like People that alway's want to turn a misfortune into money for themself's . Beside all this , we were talking about China out of the blue and He had nothing but negative things to say , bad this bad that and he never ones stepped a foot into China . Again , I could of just slapped him right there , but not with my Smile on my Face . This beheavor was nothing new to me at all , see many People do that , without really haven been there . Well , I hope tomorrow will be a nice Mother's day Lunch , need at least one good , nothing happening day , on the weekend .


  1. Way to go Arnold, keep the smile and the happy attitude. Some of the people you meet will see it, like it and smile back to you! That's the experience I have made. Keep smiling and the world smiles back! I wish you a happy day!

  2. Danke schön , Hajo !
    I had a wonderful day , even with what has happened . Wearing a smile ... works wonder's . You bet !! The more smiles you receive back , the bigger your becomes . Hope you Mom had a beautiful Mother's day also .
