Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Love , does come in different way's !

Love is a wonderful and most precious gift one can ever be given ! Yes , it is very special between two People in Love . Whoever been in Love before know's , what it feels like to Love another Person ( Woman / Man ) , there is no other feeling that strong in this World . How does one find such Love ? One would never guess , how simple it is ? All , one has to do is open his / her Heart and follow it . It really knows the way , you might not think so or come up with excuses , self-doubt , your Mind may not want to follow where your Heart want's to go . This is where your Heart must take charge or you will ( well actually ) your Mind will be sorry . So why is the Mind sorry , for something it did not want to do anyway , in the first place ? Because , the Mind control's the Eyes and it will see what it missed , not following the Heart . This is where the Heart is at it's best , to find True Love . you must trust it , or you'll never find that kind of Love , nowhere .
Now as the Titel suggest's , there is different Love , that has nothing to do with ones Sweetheart . This Love is for other People , that find this same Love over time and you are being lucky enough to be sharing this with that other Person . It might be a total stranger , a Neighbor , a Friend , a Family member or even one you dislike for some reason , it would still make you happy to see any of the ones I mentioned , to find his or her happiness , that can not be measured by anything but by the Heart of the ones involved , in such Love relationship .
That brings me to my Friends here on our China Love Forum . These are People , that I have never met in my Life , like my Lao Po at some point , but I feel so strongly about them being happy . Why is that ? Is it because I'm so happy or is it because I'm a kindhearted Person ? The answer I think is very simple , it's because we are all Human Being's and we all want the same from Life . That being ... to be Loved , as a Child , as an Adult , as an old and tired Person , that has had it's share of Love and not so loving moment's in Life .

LOVE IS THE MOST PRECIOUS THING , WE WILL EVER FIND IN THIS WORLD ! Everything else just has no meaning , unless you found somebody to share it with .

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