Friday, April 24, 2009

A first , feeling this way ?

This is really the first time , since knowing my Sweetheart , that I feel somewhat
" disappointed " . Yes , that would be the right word , but don't know for sure , if I should feel this way ? It might not be my Sweetheart's fault after all ?

It came about Wednesday night , it was about 23:30 , my time . So quite late , if you think , I'm getting up at 05:30 in the morning . I called my Lao Po , to thank her for the lovely letter I received earlier in the evening . It also been a few day's since talking to her last .

Anyhow , what has me feeling like this , is , since my Qing read's my Blog as soon as I post them and loves them very much . Because it does show her , how much I love her and miss her so tremendously . So , I ask her , if she would like to become a Follower on my Blog ? This would have made her the 11 th follower that I have at this moment . Knowing how important the number eleven is with the chinese , I thought perfect . Well , I checked the next morning ... nothing yet . I was thinking , after work I will go check and I am sure she will be joined by then . But it was not to be , instead " Nik Stanosheck " has signed in as the eleventh follower . Not , that I don't love to have him follow my Blog , it just came at the wrong moment , when I wanted Qing so badly be number " 11 " . In matter of fact , so bad , that I was thinking of just stopping to write into my Blog anymore and let it be for what it now was . This been going through my Mind the last two day's . Why ? Why did she not sign up ? Was it because it is mostly Men that follow or did my Sweetheart have trouble singing up ??
Not knowing this , has me in this mood of disappointment . But is it really worth , making this so important ? It's only a number to many , but as thing's beteewn us have devoloped , there are a few number's , that really do mean a lot to both of us . Like the number " Eight " of course , for our Wedding Ceremony . The number " Eleven " for when I send her Roses , eleven went to her and the 12th to her Mom . The number " Twentyone " because , my Mom's address is 21 , my sister in Baoding address is 21 , my Sweetheart's address has the number 21 in it , and on top of all this , my Lao Po cell Phone number is 1321821 ( three times the number 21 ) , and last the number " Twentysix " because , we both share this day as our Birthday's . To make it even more interesting , on my three visit's so far , my Hotel room number , no matter at what Hotel we both stayed in , add up the room number's and you will alway's find ... 11 --- 21 --- or 26 . Sample : Feb. 5 day's in Shanghai room # 1659 = 21 ; after coming back from Beijing , 3 day's in the same Hotel , received the room # 1758 = also 21 . This been happening since we have met , from day one .
My late wife's and mine wedding date , 05-06-78 =26 ; my late wife died on the 01-24-07 at 66 years old = 26 . I think you get the picture ? This just goes on and on , if we are together or apart , it does not matter .

So , as I am not a believer in Coincidence's , but in Fate / Destiny , this surely show's that Qing and I are really meant to be together and somebody wanted us together as Husband and Wife . This Story need's to be told in a Book , if it's the last thing I do in my Life .

So , having said this and of my Chest , I do feel relieved of this feeling I had , when I started writing this . Maybe I am crazy somewhat , all these up and down Emotions ? Either way ... *** I LOVE MY LAO PO FOREVER ***

It's not her fault , but only mine and mine alone .


  1. Arnold, she may have trouble signing in as a follower cause everybody needs a Google Account !!! I have a solution, just "Delete" Nik till Qing signs in ..... hehehe !!!

  2. Hi Chong , I told her how to sign up , this is why I don't understand ?
    Hey , I would not do that to our buddy Nikolas , Qing's going to have to wait til my follower list hit's 20 now .Hehehe!!!

  3. Arnold, I know those emotions. It's because of missing the loved one. Try to see the positive side of it, you wouldn't feel that way if you didn't love Qing! Thanks for sharing your story. There is a lot to learn from it.

  4. Your welcome Hajo . I also enjoy your Blog along with the other's . It was a great idea from Chong to start us of on this .

    What Jim B. did or should I say NOT did , was the most wonderful thing a real Man can do to be loyal and honest not only to Angel but to himself . That is the beginning of True Love . I bet , nine out of ten Men would of failed this test . A Man after my own value's .

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Arnold don't drive yourself crazy! And don't stop writing your blog... I am sure your Qing and the brothers would be disappointed if you did that too, since you mention that she loves to read it!

  7. Thanks David , the being apart is getting to me . It's like any little thing can set it off and makes me feel like I'm not complete without her . I guess that is very selfish of me to begin with , since Qing feels the same way , not being with me . At least I have this here to vent some steam from time to time , she might not have that opportunity .
