Friday, April 10, 2009

Miss my Qing !

Today , I was going to write about my second trip , but I was not in a very good mood . Writing about our first time together , the last two day's , reminded me how much I really miss my Wife . People alway's tell you , making memories is a beautiful thing . Then , why does it alway's hurt and put you in a sad mood , thinking about how wonderful it's been , spending this quality time , hand in hand with my Sweetheart ? I find it strange , to feel so great one day , thinking of your Wife and the next be such a turnaround , that you could almost cry . All I can think of , is that this must be normal to fell this way ? I have never been apart from my first Wife , so this is new to me . Something I have to adjust to , for a little longer . I also realize , this is just as hard for my Qing , it is new to her too . The more your in Love , the more it will hurt being apart . The second problem is our Government , to let it drag on this long with all the Paperwork , that I'm sure could be done in a much shorter time frame . It seems , when money is involved , everything moves alot faster, than helping two People in Love , that only want to be together , that's all .
I think the Lawyer has also something to do with me feeling this way right now .

Yesterday , he called me at work , asking for my late wife's Death Certificate , the Original he ask for , he had a copy already . Second , he wanted Pay stub's for three weeks and a Letter from my Uncle , saying that I had worked there for 37 year's . Now , why in the heck , didn't he tell me that when I tropped off all the other paper's last week ? So another week gone by , with paper's just sitting there , instead of being send to the Visa Center . I understand , they have more Customer's than just me , but what is a phone call a day after , no ... why not wait a whole week to call ? Makes me mad , having to count on People , that take their sweet time and besides having to pay them good money for it .
I don't feel like going anywhere this Easter weekend , when in fact I was invited in two places . Nobody want's to have a grumpy Relative as a Guest . That will give me two day's , for feeling sorry for myself .

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