Wednesday, April 22, 2009

While waiting ... time seems to stand still !

But yet , why does it also seems to move very fast , as Qing and I are approaching our one year Anniversary soon . It must be all a Mind game , that is play'd on us , how else would you explain this tuck of Time in two directions ? Maybe it's between being " Happy " and being " Sad " ? Anyhow , with our Anniversary being on the 09th of May , it is hard to think that , out of those 365 day's , we only got to spend about 33 day's being together as Husband and Wife . Looking at it this way , of course could make one feel depressed , but why do we both not feel this way ? Well , I think there is no need to answer this question , it's obvious .

Qing and I , were / are , alway's together anyway ! It might only be in Heart or in Mind , but together never the less !!!

So , we don't look at it like you would think , and this is what makes our Love stronger . Of course celebrating one year as a Married couple , is special any way you look at it , it's a very loving and happy as can be Marriage , for what the circumstance's are in our Life's . It all comes down to how wonderful it will be , ones we are united and living together , with many happy year's to look forward to .

How much more beautiful can Life really be , being together having Tea on a Boat and have the Lady rowing sing wonderful chinese love story song's to you ? I'd say , at that moment in Old Shanghai and on the waterway's , with your beautiful Lao Po , is there anything more heart-warming than this ?
This only being one , of so many great time's we actually got to spend together so far . Unforgetable moment's that will never fade out of ones memory , at least not if I can help it .
One thing , in this Picture , does bother me somewhat ! What is it ?
It's Me , being one inch ( 2.5 cm ) taller than Qing , but it does not show ? Because , as in many Photo's , I seem to slouch and I do have to remember to sit up straight . This alway's has been a problem of mine . Need to have Qing , tab me in the back , if she see's me doing it . I don't like bad posture in my Wife and Family's , so why would I like it not to be the same for me also ?
That is one bad habit that I do have , and I am thankful not to have too many other ones . But then , Qing might find some other ones I have and did not know about ?
This is a very important issue , in a marriage , that needs to be brought up on the surface and discussed , to not let it become bigger then it has to be . So far , I can not say , I have noticed any bad habit's on my Lao Po . But time will tell ? Everybody has some , one or the other , somewhere stacked away , til being noticed by the other Spouse . I really look foreward to see if my little ( Tall ) Flower has any of them ? I can't be the only one ? Hehehe .


  1. I go to visit my wife next week and we have our one year on 08.08.09 as well, this immigration red tape and length of time is driving me crazy too!

  2. Hi Nick , that is great , that you can see your Wife again . Hope you have a great time , like our brothas Martin , Ed and Peter been having . I don't know if we should celebrate our registry wedding more or the 08-08-08 wedding party ? Guess , why not both the same , there are both special , right ?
